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Title: | 電子商務網頁版面配置與瀏覽動線之關係研究─以Yahoo!奇摩購物中心、PChome線上購物、GOHAPPY線上快樂購網站為例 The study on the relationship between the E-commerce web page layout and eye movement- Cases of the Yahoo! Kimo Shopping Center、PChome Online Store and Gohappy eStore |
Authors: | 黃毓芬 |
Contributors: | 賴建都 黃毓芬 |
Keywords: | 眼動追蹤儀器實驗 網頁設計與版面配置 電子商務 Eye tracking Webpage design & display E-commerce |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 16:09:36 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討國內三大電子商務網站之商品展示頁面的版面配置與瀏覽動線之間的關係,藉由眼動追蹤儀器實驗(Eye Movement Tracking)及專家訪談的結果,歸納出最後的結論與建議方向,並作為未來實務界在設計與規劃電子商務網站時的參考依據。
而實驗二的部份,則是測試商品的版面配置情形。主要是操弄三家網站之不同的商品配置特性,測試不同的商品配置特性對使用者的視覺焦點(Fixation Count)與停留時間(Fixation Time)所產生的變化,試圖瞭解何種商品配置最吸引使用者的目光,讓使用者停留更多的瀏覽時間。
並透過專家訪談法,瞭解業界資深的網頁設計師及網站規劃者他們對於電子商務網站之商品展示頁的版面配置與使用者瀏覽動線的看法與建議,以及在規劃及設計自家電子商務網站時的構思想法,最後將訪談資料以內容分析法予以歸納分析,供業界在執行電子商務網站實務設計時之參考依據。 This study aims to investigate the relationship between the layout and browsing routes for merchandise display pages on Taiwan’s three major e-commerce websites, as ascertained by results from eye tracking experiments and expert interviews. The study offers some overall conclusions and suggestions which may serve as a reference for future practices in designing and implementing e-commence websites.
The experiment was divided into two stages, and included 23 participants whose viewing behavior was recorded; the effective sample pool was 20. The objective of the first test was to examine the merchandise viewing efficacy rendered by these three e-commerce websites. Through this experiment, the website with the merchandise page setup and browsing routes which enabled users to locate their desired merchandise in the shortest time was determined, as well as the samples’ visual fixation distributions and durations.
In the second experiment, merchandise page layouts were tested. Different arrangement schemes of merchandise displayed by these same three websites were manipulated to test the effects they have on user eye fixation count and fixation time, in an attempt to understand what type of merchandise display arrangement scheme draws the most attention from viewers and encourages them to spend more viewing time.
Expert interviews provided insights and suggestions from skilled web page designers and website builders regarding their perspectives on merchandise display page arrangement and user browsing routes, and in particular, the concepts employed when building their own e-commerce websites. Finally, interview data is introduced and analyzed using content analysis methodology, which may serve as a reference for e-commerce website design practices. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院碩士在職專班 94941020 96 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094941020 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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