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Title: | 體驗行銷策略之研究:誠品信義旗艦店之個案探討 Experiential Marketing Strategies : A case study of Eslite Xin Yi Store |
Authors: | 林暄蕎 |
Contributors: | 祝鳳岡 林暄蕎 |
Keywords: | 體驗行銷 顧客滿意度 顧客忠誠度 體驗經濟 |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 16:09:30 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以誠品信義店做為研究的場域、Schmitt (1999) 提出的體驗行銷為理論基礎,用深度訪談的方式探究誠品信義店的經營理念,研究誠品信義店如何將體驗的氛圍帶入書店空間,讓消費者願意花較長時間待在書店內細細咀嚼。此外,也以問卷調查的方式探討消費者這端的感受,瞭解誠品信義店的體驗行銷策略是否正向強化了顧客的忠誠度與滿意度。
本研究並提出實務建議:在感官體驗構面上,注意主動線上的商品呈現設計;在情感體驗構面上,依照商品的調性來調配氛圍;在思考體驗構面上,利用多媒體化的設備來呈現多樣化的商品訊息;在行動體驗構面上,提供自助式查詢服務;在關聯體驗構面上,進行多樣化的活動規劃。 This research is a case study of Eslite Xin Yi Store, based on “Experiential Marketing” theory by Schmitt (1999). My goal is to explore the business idea of Eslite Xin Yi store, so that consumers are willing to spend more time to stay than usual . I also want to explore the consumer’s feelings to understand whether the experiential marketing strategy of Eslite Xin Yi Store have positive effect on the customer satisfaction and loyalty. I use in-depth interviews and questionnaire as the method to the research.
The results are : SEMs (Strategic Experiential Modules) of experiential marketing, customer satisfaction and loyalty are positive correlation. In addition to related experience, the other four experiences are near significantly with customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.
This research made the following recommendations to the firms that : 1. they should pay attention to the design of products decoration in the sensing experience. 2. they should allocate the atmosphere according to the distinguishing feature of products in the feeling experience. 3. they should take the advantage of multimedia equipments to present the diversity of products information the thinking experience. 4. they should provide for self-service enquiry in the acting experience. 5. they should plan a wide variety of activities in the relating experience. |
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