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Title: | 快樂購卡社群經營研究:關係管理觀點 |
Authors: | 林家琪 |
Contributors: | 祝鳳崗 林家琪 |
Keywords: | 快樂購卡 關係行銷 社群經營 |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 16:09:25 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 具有跨產業消費性能的聯合積點卡,已是未來卡片運用功能的依歸,也是國內各家業者爭相投資的方向,目前國內雖然已經有國泰集團、統一集團、新光集團等大企業爭相宣佈有跨足聯合積點產業的訊息,但因為步伐的不同與評估標準的差異,目前仍處規劃期,由遠東集團投資鼎鼎聯合行銷所領軍的「快樂購聯合積點卡」94年率先以領頭羊之姿,成功的打入台灣消費市場,並以發卡量四百三十萬的驚人數字(2006, 鼎鼎聯合行銷),坐穩聯合積點卡龍頭的位置。
為探討聯合積點卡的優缺點與使用狀況,研究分別使用了深度訪談法與問卷調查法,並以鼎鼎聯合行銷各部門的專案負責人、及擁有快樂購卡片的卡友做研究調查對象,問卷總計發出346份,有效問卷為330份,回收率達97%,資料分析採用Cronbach’s σ 信度分析、描述性分析、相關性分析、及卡友的生活型態因素分析。
研究結果顯示,大部分的卡友對聯合積點卡的整體忠誠度與滿意度是高的,且申辦使用快樂購卡的卡友,並沒有明顯的年齡、教育、職業、收入等分別,卡友對快樂購聯合積點卡,多持正面的回應與肯定,支持卡友持續使用快樂購聯合積點卡的主因為快樂購卡可跨通路消費及紅利累點的服務機制。 The function of united point-collection is a future trend with cross-industry consuming performance. It is also the direction of investment among enterprises in the whole country. Although the famous enterprises such as Cathay Group, Uni-President Group and SKIS Group have been released the message of united point-collection, it is still in the planning stage due to difference in evaluation standard. DDIM (DingDing Integrated Marketing Service Co.), which is founded by Far Eastern Group, issued “HAPPYGO” card successfully to occupy consuming market in Taiwan during 2005. Now the total amount of cards is about 4.3 million (2006, DDIM), and it is also the number one in this field.
This research focus on the “HAPPYGO” card as the study case, and analysis the status and promotion methods of the united point-collection card in Taiwan through the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) view. The main idea is to analysis the relationships between customer loyalty and customer satisfaction in this sort of card, then make the recommendations to improve the program.
To discovery the usage condition and pros and cons of HAPPYGO card, the research used deep interview and questionnaires as the method, and it includes project managers in DDIM and HAPPYGO cardholders as the interview samples. 346 questionnaires were collected, and 330 questionnaires were valid. The valid response rate is 97%. The data analysis adapted Cronbach’s α reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and cardholder VALS to verify the research.
The result of the research indicates that most of the cardholders are satisfy with the HAPPYGO card loyalty program. For HAPPYGO card applicants, there is no obvious difference in age, education, occupation and salary level. Research found that cardholders have positive responses and attitudes with HAPPYGO card. The main reason for cardholders to use HAPPYGO card continuously is that it provides collecting and accumulating cross-industry point services. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院碩士在職專班 94941017 96 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094941017 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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