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Title: | 揭開奧修「神秘玫瑰」的神秘面紗--透過我的生命經驗來看見 Uncovering the veil of Osho Mystic Rose activity--A Narrative Approach |
Authors: | 吳浩平 Wu,Hau Ping |
Contributors: | 修慧蘭 吳浩平 Wu,Hau Ping |
Keywords: | 超個人心理治療 奧修 奧修靜心治療 神秘玫瑰 自我敘說 transpersonal psychotherapy Osho Osho meditation therapy mystic rose self- narrative |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 16:00:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以自我參與、自我敘說的方式,呈現超個人心理治療中的奧修「神秘玫瑰」活動,對研究者本身帶來何種的生命經驗?而此經驗又對研究者產生何種影響?
最後,在「對話」的部份,呈現出研究者參與不同靈修活動的經驗,與經驗間的對話;並透過「現在的我」來看到,活動心得領悟是對參與者的當下有益,而提醒讀者去經驗自己的生命禮物。 The study is exploring the experience of the researcher participates the Osho Mystic Rose activity and what is the meaning of these life experiences.So the researcher will participate the group activity and narrates what he experiences.
From the activity,the researcher feels that the process of the activity is a kind of therapy from head to heart.So the researcher can see clearly his relationship,desire,personality trait,and psycho-body situation.Then in the process of activity,the discomfort of psycho-body slowly disappears and the model of researcher’s relationship changes.The researcher also has an insight about the base of the work of helping others.The researcher also see the deeper emotion state from the record of the face pictures of the process of the activity.
From the meta-story,the researcher finds that his childhood experience has influenced the present relationship,work,and the life’s attitude.And by participating the activity,the researcher’s state is changed and.the life energe is rising.Otherwise,the researcher is awaring that the helper’s blooming life is the root of the work of helping others.
About the self-reflection of study,it can be discriminated two levels—participant and researcher.In the participant level,I find that I,the brother of psychotic handicap is against the dominant psychology and psychiatry to show the bitterness.But I forget to translate the opposed energy to positive energy to take care myself well.In the researcher level,I.find that it is difficult to use language to transmit experience to others,and maybe the east wisdom can be applied to the wok of helping others.
In advice,the researcher suggested something important about leading the transpersonal psychotherapy group. It is that the group leader should construct the secure environment to let members exploring themselves freely and keep in touch with the present.
Finally,the last part,Dialog,it shows and compares researcher’s experiences in different spirit-training groups.And from the point of view of being,the researcher’s insight from activity can not be fitted to others. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 心理學研究所 93752017 95 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093752017 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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