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Title: | 反芻的多向度對大學生情緒變化的影響 The impact of multidimensional rumination on mood fluctuation for college students |
Authors: | 涂珮瓊 PEI CHIUNG TU |
Contributors: | 許文耀 涂珮瓊 PEI CHIUNG TU |
Keywords: | 反芻思考 功用性反芻 情緒焦點反芻 意義尋找反芻 情緒變化 ruminative thought instrumental rumination emotional-focused rumination meaning-searching rumination mood fluctuation |
Date: | 2003 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 16:00:04 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本篇研究旨在探討心理反芻思考對個體情緒變化的影響,在類同於Nolen-Hoeksema的前瞻式連續測量架構下劃分不同情緒困擾的時段(整體分析、嚴重又長期情緒不佳的日子、負向情緒發作期),並以Fritz之多向度反芻觀點:功用性反芻、情緒焦點反芻以及意義尋找反芻為切入點,試圖釐清反芻在情緒復原中所扮演的角色利弊。本研究以一般非創傷性的負向事件為研究背景,選取156名大學生在連續十二天的研究設計中,每天測量三類反芻出現的頻率、情緒強度和情緒維持的時間。研究結果顯示,不同內容焦點的反芻思考對事件挫敗後之情緒變化有其獨特的影響效果。整體平均來說,功用性反芻有助於負向情緒的緩解、情緒焦點反芻會增強負向情緒感受、意義尋找反芻則是增加負向情緒維持的時間;若當天處在長期又嚴重情緒不佳日子中時,功用性反芻似有維持正向情緒的效用、情緒焦點反芻則是惡化當天的負向情緒強度、意義尋找反芻則有延長當天負向情緒時間的趨勢;若連續處在長期且嚴重情緒不佳的日子中,功用性反芻對情緒變化並無影響、情緒焦點反芻則是延長且惡化此時期的負向情緒狀態、而意義尋找反芻不但會影響負向情緒的狀態,似也會有助於此時期的正向情緒狀態。因此,本研究結果不僅支持內容區分的必要性;也代表著在情緒復原過程中,配合考量到個體所處的情緒困擾時段時,不同內容焦點的反芻思考對情緒變化的影響是有利弊之分的。 The purpose of this research is to examine the relation between ruminative thought and mood fluctuation. Similar to the Nolen-Hoeksemaâs progressive paradigm, we divided the experimental period into three parts, including average days, severely and long-term negative mood days, and negative mood episode. Combined with the Fritzâs viewpoint of multidimensional rumination â instrumental rumination, emotional-focused rumination, and meaning-searching rumination, this research attempted to clarify the role of rumination in the process of emotional recovery. According to the negative but non-traumatic events, we selected 156 college students and daily measured the frequency of three types of rumination, mood intensity, and mood duration during the continuous 12 days. The results of this research showed that different content-focused rumination had unique effect on mood fluctuation after suffering a failure. Generally, instrumental rumination helped to reduce negative mood, emotional-focused rumination worsened negative mood, and meaning-searching rumination increased the duration of negative mood. Moreover, in the period of severely and long-term negative mood status, instrumental rumination seemed to maintain the duration of positive mood, emotional-focused rumination still worsened negative mood, and meaning-searching rumination seemed to prolong the duration of negative mood. Besides, in the period of negative mood episode, instrumental ruminative had no effect on mood fluctuation, emotional-focused rumination deteriorated and extended negative mood, and meaning-searching rumination had harmful effect on the negative mood but still had borderline effect on the positive mood. Consequently, the results of this research not only illustrated the necessary of content-discrimination in the rumination, but also showed that different content-focused rumination had separate effect on the mood fluctuation in the process of emotional recovery, when the three different periods of emotional disturbance were considered. |
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