Abstract: | 二十世紀末, 世界高等教育的發展日新月異, 傳統的國家角色研究途徑不敷使用. 1980年代初, 高等教育研究泰斗-Burton Clark以國家, 學術專業, 市場三體之間的互動為基礎, 建構了一個國家,市場,學術寡頭的三角協調關係圖, 並成為世界高等教育比較教育研究的經典架構. 後繼的研究者則從這三個體系的影響力量之間的互動, 探討高等教育制度變遷的過程. 本論文分析指出, 二十世紀末, 隨著高等教育的擴張與體制改革, 中國大陸高等教育的研究, 也從傳統的政治, 經濟的角度, 轉向中, 西文化特質差異的比較, 國際化, 市場化, 乃至高等教育與國家之關係. 但是這些西方的研究途徑均因現今中國大陸高等教育與歐美高等教育發展的差異, 受到相當大的侷限. 相對的, 國家, 學術專業, 市場三個力量之間互動的研究, 因跨越了有形制度差異的障礙, 對於探討中國大陸高等教育制度的變遷, 具有相當寬廣的空間. The article is to probe the feasibility of the triangle coordination model established by Burton Clark in 1983 in the study of Mainland China`s higher education. The author points out that the model although it has become increasingly popular in recent years among Mainland scholars is handicapped by the great discrepancies between the Chinese higher education system and its western counterpart. Nonetheless, the author argues that by focusing on the changing relationship of the three factors (state, market and professionals), the model may surmount the obstacles of formal structures that other approaches have failed to , and therebny become quite instrumental in analyzing the vicissitudes of Mainland China`s higher education over the past. Such analysis will lay the groundwork for the further observation of the interaction of three factors in the 21st century. |