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    Title: 邏輯衝突:社會企業如何以反向思維形成策略回應
    Conflict Logics: How Social Enterprises Formulate Strategic Response through Contrarian Thinking
    Authors: 郭咨宜
    Kuo, Tzu-Yi
    Contributors: 蕭瑞麟
    Hsiao, Ruey-Lin
    Kuo, Tzu-Yi
    Keywords: 邏輯衝突
    Logic conflict
    Social enterprises
    Strategic response
    Contrarian logic
    Social Innovation
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 15:43:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 社會企業必須在社會使命與商業利益之間取得平衡,融合這兩種看似矛盾的元素。若側重任一方,往往會在實踐過程中引發爭議與挑戰。過往研究多聚焦於社會企業如何解決內部的邏輯衝突,卻忽略其所處的市場競爭環境。這種衝突來自於兩種對立的運作邏輯:「商業邏輯」以市場競爭為核心,追求效率與利潤成長;「社會邏輯」則優先考量社會影響與公益價值,關注弱勢群體需求。這兩者的矛盾,使社會企業在發展過程中必須在競爭與價值堅持之間尋找平衡點。由於社會企業通常面臨資金、人才與資源的限制,相較於市場上的強勢競爭者處於劣勢,如何在回應市場競爭的同時,兼顧邏輯衝突,並找到生存與發展的立足點,成為社會創新亟待探索的關鍵議題。本論文以臺灣社會企業「鮮乳坊」為案例,探討其如何應對主流乳品廠的競爭策略,並分析其商業模式與傳統社會組織運作方式的衝突。透過追溯這些衝突,本研究進一步挖掘鮮乳坊的回應策略,並觀察到其如何運用「逆向邏輯」來化解邏輯衝突。在理論貢獻上,本研究拓展社會創新理論的視角,解析社會企業如何透過逆向邏輯來化解社會使命與商業利益間的衝突。同時,本研究延展邏輯衝突理論,將討論範疇從組織內部的價值衝突擴展至市場競爭環境,說明社會企業如何在強勢企業的制約下,運用逆向邏輯回應挑戰,突破既有產業框架。在實務應用上,本研究提供一套可行的實踐方法,指出社會企業若要化解邏輯衝突,需先識別衝突類型,再深入分析其根源,最終透過逆向操作突破既有市場規則,轉化競爭劣勢為創新優勢。透過此方法,社會企業不僅能在商業競爭中生存,更能實現社會使命,創造雙重價值。本研究指出,逆向邏輯的核心力量,在於將劣勢轉化為突破口,翻轉市場規則,開創新的價值空間。當挑戰成為社會創新的契機,真正的變革便不止於市場,而是重塑社會創新的格局。
    Social enterprises must balance their social mission and commercial viability, integrating these seemingly contradictory elements. An overemphasis on either aspect can create operational challenges and strategic tensions. While prior research has focused on resolving internal logical conflicts, it has largely overlooked the role of market competition in shaping these tensions. These conflicts arise from two opposing logics: ‘commercial logic,’ which prioritizes market competition, efficiency, and profitability, and ‘social logic,’ which emphasizes social impact and public value. The inherent tension between these logics forces social enterprises to negotiate a balance between competitiveness and value-driven commitments. Given their limited access to capital, talent, and resources, they often operate at a disadvantage against dominant market players. Thus, a key challenge in social innovation is how social enterprises can simultaneously respond to competitive pressures, manage logic conflicts, and secure a sustainable position in the market. This study examines BetterMilk Co., a Taiwanese social enterprise, as a case study to explore how it competes with mainstream dairy producers. It analyzes conflicts between its business model and traditional nonprofit frameworks, identifying how the social enterprise leverages contrarian logic to navigate these tensions and sustain its market presence. This research expands the discourse on social innovation theory by illustrating how social enterprises use contrarian logic to reconcile tensions between social mission and commercial success. It also extends logic conflict theory, shifting the focus from intra-organizational conflicts to market-driven tensions, demonstrating how social enterprises challenge industry norms and dominant players through strategic contrarian approaches. This study offers a systematic framework for resolving logical conflicts, emphasizing three key steps: identifying conflict types, analyzing their root causes, and employing contrarian strategies to challenge conventional market rules. By transforming competitive disadvantages into innovation-driven advantages, social enterprises can thrive in commercial markets while advancing their social mission. Contrarian logic enables social enterprises to convert structural disadvantages into strategic advantages, reshape market dynamics, and create new value ecosystems. When challenges are reframed as opportunities, transformation extends beyond the marketplace, reshaping the broader landscape of social change and innovation.
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