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    Title: 以fMRI與機器學習探討數學焦慮的神經網絡
    Investigating the Neural Network Underlying Math Anxiety Through fMRI and Machine Learning
    Authors: 卓奕呈
    Cho, Yi-Cheng
    Contributors: 張葶葶
    Chang, Ting-Ting
    Cho, Yi-Cheng
    Keywords: 數學焦慮
    math anxiety
    working memory
    neural connectivity
    predictive modeling
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 15:32:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 許多行為研究強調了數學焦慮與數學表現兩者之間的負面相關,並常將其歸因於對工作記憶的干擾。儘管相關行為研究已相當廣泛,數學焦慮背後的神經機制仍不清晰,這主要源於各種研究中運用不同的數學任務和方法,以及在任務複雜性區分上的不足。此外,數學焦慮對內在大腦連結性的影響仍未被充分探索,以及整合神經影像數據與認知數據以預測數學焦慮的研究也仍相當稀少,而機器學習方法也可為理解數學焦慮的神經機制來提供更全面的見解,特別是在不同情境下的展現。而鑑於過往行為研究一致發現工作記憶在調節數學焦慮影響中具有關鍵作用,本研究三個實驗均聚焦於與工作記憶和認知控制相關的神經網路。
    Many behavioral studies have emphasized the adverse link between math anxiety and math performance, frequently attributing it to the disruption of working memory. Despite extensive behavioral research, the neural mechanisms underlying math anxiety remain unclear, with inconsistencies in findings stemming from the use of various tasks with differing methodologies and insufficient differentiation of task complexities. Moreover, the impact of math anxiety on intrinsic brain connectivity remains underexplored. Additionally, there is a need for studies that integrate neuroimaging data with cognitive indicators to predict math anxiety, as this approach could offer deeper insights into the neural mechanisms underlying math anxiety, particularly across varying situational contexts. Given the consistent findings from prior behavioral studies highlighting the critical role of working memory in mediating the effects of math anxiety, all three experiments in this study were designed to focus on neural networks associated with working memory and cognitive control.
    In this study, we investigated the neural correlates of math anxiety through three complementary approaches. Study 1 examined task-related brain activation and functional connectivity during arithmetic problem-solving. The results showed that math anxiety was associated with increased activation in numerical processing regions (right intraparietal sulcus), suggesting an increased cognitive effort to manage heightened cognitive and emotional demands. Furthermore, math anxiety disrupted the integration between emotion-related regions (right amygdala) and cognitive control regions (e.g., left inferior frontal gyrus and supplementary motor area), highlighting challenges in managing emotional interference during complex tasks. Study 2 explored intrinsic neural states using resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) analysis, finding no significant associations between math anxiety and intrinsic connectivity. In contrast, task-based psychophysiological interaction (PPI) analyses identified significant correlations between math anxiety and functional connectivity during math-related tasks, emphasizing its context-dependent nature. Study 3 employed predictive modeling, demonstrating that task-related PPI features, particularly when combined with cognitive factors like working memory and vocabulary, achieved superior predictive accuracy compared to RSFC features. Key predictors, such as connectivity between the right amygdala and right intraparietal sulcus, underscored the interaction between emotion regulation, working memory, and numerical processing.
    These findings suggest that math anxiety predominantly operates through cognitive anxiety mechanisms, disrupting attention and working memory rather than resulting from persistent emotional hyperactivity. Moreover, the results underscore its situational nature, emphasizing that task-specific disruptions in neural connectivity are central to math-related performance deficits. These insights emphasize the need for targeted interventions that address its context-specific triggers and improve both cognitive efficiency and emotional regulation during math-related tasks.
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