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Title: | 透過核心自我評價與社交連結探索生成式人工智慧依賴對工作投入之影響 Exploring the Impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence Dependence on Work Engagement via Core Self-Evaluation and Social Connectedness |
Authors: | 李振維 Lee, Chen-Wei |
Contributors: | 周致遠 Chou, Chih-Yuan 李振維 Lee, Chen-Wei |
Keywords: | 生成式人工智慧 生成式人工智慧依賴 核心自我評估 社交連結 工作投入 組織行為 工作資源-需求模型 Generative Artificial Intelligence GenAI dependence Core Self-evaluation Social Connectedness Work Engagement Organizational Behavior Job Demands- Resources Model |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 15:10:50 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 快速發展的生成式人工智慧(GenAI)和自動化技術已經改變了各行各業,引起了人力資源管理和資訊管理領域的關注。儘管 GenAI 工具提供了許多好處,但 它們的整合也帶來了一些挑戰。本研究探討了 GenAI 依賴、核心自我評價、社交 連結和工作投入之間的關係,重點在於 GenAI 的策略性應用以提高生產力及其 對於員工心理的影響。通過線上問卷調查收集來自各行業員工的數據,以評估 GenAI 依賴對工作投入的影響,並通過核心自我評價和社交連結進行調節。研究 結果顯示,儘管 GenAI 工具可以提高生產力,但過度依賴可能會減少社會互動,影響社交連結、協作、和思想交流,進而負面影響核心自我評價。另一方面,研究結果確認了在 GenAI 使用下個人資源和工作資源之間的衝突,強調了在 GenAI 效率與維持人際互動之間取得平衡的重要性。 有鑒於此, 研究提倡整合 GenAI 以支持以人為本的決策和創造力,並鼓勵企業提供全面的 GenAI 培訓,幫助員工適應其技術和心理影響。 The rapid advancements in generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) and automation technologies have transformed various industries, drawing attention from human resource and information management fields. Although GenAI tools offer numerous benefits, their integration presents challenges. This study explores the relationships between GenAI dependence, core self-evaluation, social connectedness, and work engagement, focusing on GenAI's strategic application to enhance productivity and its psychological impacts on employees. Data from employees across various industries were collected via online surveys to assess the influence of GenAI dependence on work engagement, mediated by core self-evaluation and social connectedness. The findings reveal that while GenAI tools enhance productivity, excessive reliance may reduce social interactions, impacting social connectedness, collaboration, and idea exchange, negatively affecting core self-evaluation. On the other hand, the results highlight the conflict between personal and job resources under GenAI use within the job demands- resources model, emphasizing the importance of balancing GenAI efficiency with maintaining interpersonal interactions. The study advocates for integrating GenAI to support human-centered decision-making and creativity and encourages organizations to provide comprehensive GenAI training to help employees adapt to its technical and psychological impacts. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊管理學系 111356042 |
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