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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/156060
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    Title: 顧客工會化對供應商創新績效的影響:迴歸不連續性探討
    The Impact of Customer Unionization on Supplier Innovation Performance: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis
    Authors: 施怡安
    Shih, Yi-An
    Contributors: 李曉惠
    Lee, Hsiao-Hui
    Shih, Yi-An
    Keywords: 工會化
    Supply Chain
    Innovation performance
    Supply chain collaboration
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 15:10:26 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在此研究中,我們探討了供應商的創新績效是否受到客戶工會化的影響,以及與主要客戶合作年限的調節作用。本研究以美國勞工工會選舉資料為例,並採用不連續迴歸模型來檢驗因果關係。結果顯示,在客戶通過了工會選舉後的第一年及第二年,供應商的創新績效平均分別降低了26.9%及43.9%,表示主要客戶工會化確實會造成供應商採取短視管理策略,並忽略了對創新的投資。這樣的負面影響在製造業中更明顯,這可能是因為製造業的創新成本較為高昂。此外,當與主要客戶合作較長久時,工會化對其供應商創新績效的負面影響會減弱。總而言之,本研究的實證結果支持了客戶工會化會負面影響其供應商的創新績效,並指出了維持長期供應鏈夥伴關係的重要性。
    We examine whether supplier innovation performance is affected by customer unionization and the moderating role of the duration of collaborating with major customers. Using the labor union election data in the U.S., we adopt the regression discontinuity approach to investigate the causal effect. Our results show that on average, a supplier's innovation performance respectively declined by about 26.9% and 43.9%, during the first and second years following its customers' election victories, indicating that customer unionization causes suppliers to adopt myopic management and ignore the investments of innovative activities. This negative impact is more pronounced in the manufacturing industry, likely due to the greater innovation investment needed in this industry. Moreover, when the duration of a supply chain relationship is longer, the detrimental effect of unionization on its supplier's innovation performance is reduced. In sum, our empirical evidence supports that unionization of customers negatively impacts their supplier's innovation performance and highlights the importance of maintaining a long-term supply chain partnership.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111356017
    Data Type: thesis
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