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    Title: 華語遠距同步教學之教學法應用研究
    A Study on the Application of Teaching Methods in Synchronous Distance Teaching of Chinese Language
    Authors: 郭嘉怡
    Quek, Kia-Yee
    Contributors: 舒兆民
    Shu, Zhao-Min
    Quek, Kia-Yee
    Keywords: 華語遠距同步教學
    Synchronous Distance Teaching of Chinese Language
    Cognitive Approach
    Situational Language Teaching
    The Audiolingual Method
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 14:52:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著新冠疫情的爆發,遠距同步教學成為語言學習的重要模式,尤其在
    本研究以泰國某大學的 TOCFL 華語中級學習者為對象,進行為期六週
    With the outbreak of COVID-19, Synchronous Distance Teaching of Chinese Language became a crucial instructional mode. While it is no longer the only option, it remains valuable in certain contexts. This study explores the application of the Cognitive Approach, Situational Language Teaching, and The Audiolingual Method in distance Chinese teaching, comparing them with traditional classrooms and identifying effective strategies.
    Targeting intermediate-level Thai university students, the study conducted a six-week experimental course, applying each teaching method twice. Researchmethods included literature review, observation, surveys, interviews, and contentanalysis. Teaching effectiveness was assessed through tests, surveys, and interview logs.
    Results indicate that the Cognitive Approach significantly enhanced language comprehension, vocabulary retention, and grammar mastery through structured explanations and practice. Situational Language Teaching boosted motivation and engagement, though scenario recreation in a distance setting posed challenges. The Audiolingual Method reinforced pronunciation and oral fluency, showing gradual but positive progress. Each method had unique advantages, suggesting that teachers can select or combine approaches based on learners' levels and instructional goals.
    This study offers insights for refining Synchronous Distance Teaching of Chinese Language, providing practical strategies for course design and instructional planning. Future research could further investigate the long-term impact of different teaching methods.
    Reference: 一、中文文獻
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