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    Title: 真實中的虛擬:探討VTuber線下表演的現場感建構和參與實踐
    The virtual in reality: Exploring the construction of presence and participation practice in VTuber offline performances
    Authors: 趙珮妤
    Chao, Pei-Yu
    Contributors: 王淑美
    Wang, Su-Mei
    Chao, Pei-Yu
    Keywords: VTuber
    live performance
    affective identification
    performative practice
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 14:51:00 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在傳播科技快速進步的數位時代,媒體生產端與消費端也發展出多元的內容與產銷模式,其中融合直播、偶像產業與二次元文化的VTuber,成為現今流行的趨勢。精緻的虛擬形象加上中之人所賦予的靈魂個性,使粉絲遊走於真實與非真實的邊界,形成獨特的次文化現象。隨著粉絲基數的逐漸增加,產業方的經營策略也從線上發展到線下,試圖開闢以真實感為主的消費市場,鞏固粉絲帶來的利潤與商機。
    In the digital era of rapidly advancing communication technology, both media production and consumption have evolved into diverse content and distribution models. Among these, VTubers—who integrate live streaming, the idol industry, and ACG (anime, comics, and games) culture—have become a prevailing trend. The combination of meticulously crafted virtual avatars and the personalities infused by their human performers (referred to as "Naka no Hito") allows fans to navigate the boundary between reality and virtuality, forming a unique subcultural phenomenon. As the fan base continues to expand, industry stakeholders have extended their business strategies from online to offline, seeking to establish a consumption market centered on a sense of realism, thereby solidifying the commercial opportunities and profits generated by fan engagement.
    This study examines VTuber offline fan meeting as the research setting, aiming to explore how the new hybrid form of VTuber live performances is reinterpreted and redefined. The researcher first reviews VTuber culture and its fan communities, establishing the research framework through the concepts of live performance and presence. Subsequently, the study employs sensory ethnography through participant observation and conducts in-depth interviews with 13 respondents to analyze how fans' personal experiences are connected to the sense of realism evoked by live performances.
    The event's hardware setup and spatial design serve as mediators that connect fans to reality, while the cultural experiences created through live streaming, fans’ everyday interactions with digital devices and environments, and the shared emotional flow within the fan community transform into embodied perceptions of live participation. Furthermore, VTuber performances are perceived by fans as dynamic texts imbued with ritualistic significance, extending beyond the immediate event to encompass the pre-event anticipation and post-event reflections. The participatory culture of the fan community, the affective practices that reinforce emotional identification, and the interplay between spatial presence and bodily experience collectively shape individual experiences and perceived value.
    Beyond space, embodied perception, and performative practices, fans' emotional ideologies further intertwine with the liveness of VTuber offline events. The oscillation between virtual and real identities, coupled with fans’ personal sensory experiences, constructs the meaning and value of live performances. Compared to human and non-human performers, VTuber live performances place reality and virtuality in a state of dynamic negotiation, fostering a multi-layered positioning within contemporary performance culture.
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