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    题名: 以人工智慧方法探勘臺灣房市新聞之報導框架
    Analyzing the Framing of Housing Policy News in Taiwan Using AI-Driven Approaches
    作者: 陳彥云
    Chen, Yen-Yun
    贡献者: 許志堅
    Sheu, Jyh-Jian
    Chen, Yen-Yun
    关键词: 房市政策新聞
    Housing policy news
    Artificial Intelligence
    Framing Theory
    Large language model
    日期: 2025
    上传时间: 2025-03-03 14:49:58 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 近年來,隨著高房價問題的延續,臺灣政府接連推出多項房地產政策,以維持市場穩定。儘管許多研究探討政策的有效性,很少研究觸及政策傳播層面,致使公眾接收到的政策資訊為何無從得知。
    In response to persistent housing unaffordability, the Taiwanese government has introduced a series of housing policies to stabilize the market. While these policies' effectiveness has been widely studied, their communication mechanisms remain underexplored, leaving the public's access to policy information largely unclear.
    Due to the structural asymmetry of market information, real estate stakeholders and the public rely heavily on media coverage, particularly during policy shifts, making the media a primary interpreter of policy measures. Against this backdrop, this study conducts a framing analysis of real estate news coverage in Taiwanese media over the past six years. By employing AI-driven prompt engineering, this study enables an efficient, in-depth analysis of a large corpus of news discourse, examining media narratives across different contexts.
    The analysis reveals significant discrepancies in how media outlets portray housing policies. These discrepancies are evident in the divergent news frame of mass media and industry-specific outlets and the varying narrative emphases across different policies. A textual analysis of news reports indicates that housing policy news is primarily framed through a pessimistic lens, with media narratives predominantly shaped by authoritative sources such as government officials and experts. Additionally, policies are frequently depicted as sources of concern, emphasizing governmental responsibilities and accountability.
    By integrating artificial intelligence into media analysis, this study explores an emerging methodological approach in social science research while deepening the understanding of media's role in housing policy communication. Future research can build on these findings to explore the intersection of media framing, policy discourse, and public perception more.
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