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    题名: 拒絕撕漫―Webtoon迷不接收改編作品現象之研究
    Don't Step Out of Webtoon: A Study on Webtoon Fans' Rejection of Adaptations
    作者: 陳姿樺
    Chen, Tzu-Hua
    贡献者: 劉慧雯
    Liu, Hui-Wen
    Chen, Tzu-Hua
    关键词: Webtoon

    knowing audience
    日期: 2025
    上传时间: 2025-03-03 14:49:31 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 隨著韓國Webtoon產業的發展,改編影視作品成為趨勢,許多熱門Webtoon作品被改編為影劇。然而,並非所有Webtoon迷都樂於接受這樣的改編,部份甚至是對於改編持有強烈的拒斥態度。而Webtoon作為近一、二十年快速發展的新興媒介內容,相關研究雖然愈來愈多但目前仍相對有限。故本研究以Webtoon迷為研究對象進行訪談,探討Webtoon迷如何描述自己與媒介內容的關係,藉此描繪當代Webtoon迷的樣貌。其次,則聚焦於拒絕接收改編的Webtoon迷,試圖理解他們「不接受」改編作品的意涵與行為。

    With the development of the South Korean Webtoon industry, adaptations into film and television have become a prevailing trend, with many popular Webtoon works being transformed into live-action productions. However, not all Webtoon fans readily accept such adaptations, and some even show strong resistance toward them. Also, as Webtoon is a relatively new media content that has rapidly evolved over the past two decades, academic research on this subject, while increasing, remains relatively limited. Therefore, this study conducts interviews with Webtoon fans to explore how they describe their relationship with this media content, aiming to portray the contemporary characteristics of Webtoon fans. Furthermore, it specifically focuses on those who reject adaptations, seeking to understand the meaning and behaviors behind their refusal to accept such works.

    The research findings categorize Webtoon fans into three main types: passive consumers who receive content without strong engagement, proactive readers who exert control over their choices, and deeply immersed fans who continuously seek more content. However, Webtoon fans do not remain fixed in one state; rather, they fluidly transition between these roles. Actions such as commenting, paying for content, or choosing not to engage further highlight the diversity within the Webtoon fandom. Additionally, the study finds that fans' levels of engagement and interaction are significantly shaped by platform mechanisms, forming a fandom identity distinct from that of traditional comic fans.

    Regarding the rejection of adaptations, the study reveals that, given their inability to influence commercial decisions, Webtoon fans often choose to perceive adaptations and original works as separate entities as a means of "rejecting" adaptations. This approach reflects a relatively compromising and retreating attitude. Instead of actively opposing adaptations, most fans cope by revisiting the original works or formulating internal narratives to convince themselves to accept the adaptation phenomenon. This reveals distinct characteristics of "anti-fans" that differ from previous forms of media resistance.
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