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    题名: 從敘事理論分析戀愛實境秀文本:以《單身即地獄》為例
    Analyzing Romantic Stories in Dating Reality Shows through Narrative Theory: A Case Study of Single's Inferno
    作者: 曾文蕙
    Tseng, Wen-Hui
    贡献者: 許瓊文

    Tseng, Wen-Hui
    关键词: 敘事理論
    Narrative Theory
    Reality television
    Dating reality shows
    日期: 2023
    上传时间: 2025-03-03 14:49:05 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 以「真實性」作為賣點、「戀愛」作為主題的戀愛實境秀近年來蓬勃發展,然而台灣對戀愛實境秀的學術探討仍不多,戀愛實境秀的敘事方式又有什麼特別之處?本研究以敘事理論進行梳理,以 Greimas的行動元模型作為分析框架,分析戲劇元素中的「人物」,以Chatman提出的敘事功能做為主要分析「情節」的框架,同時以亞里斯多德《詩學》引發觀眾情緒動因的情節、Sternberg的敘事功能分析「情節」,並參考過往戀愛實境秀的文獻分析「場面」,以文本分析法分析三個類目,試圖彙整出戀愛實境秀敘事方法,找出戀愛實境秀具有吸引力的原因。

    In recent years, dating reality shows emphasizing "authenticity" as their selling point and "romance" as their core theme has experienced significant growth. However, academic studies on dating reality shows in Taiwan remain limited. This study analyzes dating reality shows from Narrative Theory. Drawing on Greimas's actantial model as a framework for examining dramatic elements—specifically "characters"—and adopting Chatman's narrative functions to analyze "plot," the study further incorporates insights from Aristotle's Poetics on affective triggers within narratives, as well as Sternberg's functional theory of narrative analysis. In addition, previous literature on dating reality shows is referenced for scene analysis. A textual analysis of character, plot, and scene explores dating reality shows' narrative strategies and attractivity.

    The analysis focuses on the first season of the well-known Korean dating reality show Single’s Inferno as a case study. The findings suggest that: (1) Dating reality shows not only provide attractive characters similar to those in scripted dramas but also offer diverse character settings that facilitate audience self-projection; (2) Hosts act as a vital link between the production team and the audience, skillfully guiding viewing perspectives, highlighting the romantic interactions between participants, and fostering a sense of excitement and anticipation, and serving as viewer surrogates; (3) The design of core events in these shows offers multiple forms of stimulation that, unlike traditional hero-versus-villain dynamics, emphasize the excitement of romance and cater to viewers’ aspirations and imaginations about love; and (4) Narrative techniques employing suspense, curiosity, and surprise help create compelling plot designs that encourage sustained audience engagement. The study's findings provide a preliminary framework for understanding the narrative strategies of dating reality shows. They may serve as a foundation for future research in reality television.
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