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    政大機構典藏 > 教育學院 > 教育學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/156020
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    Title: 臺北市國民中學校長應用智慧領導策略之個案研究
    A Case Study of Junior High School Principals' Application of Smart Leadership Strategies in Taipei City
    Authors: 羅瑤凌
    Wandee, Yidsua
    Contributors: 林進山
    Lin, Chin-Shan
    Wandee, Yidsua
    Keywords: 智慧領導
    Smart Leadership
    School Performance
    Leadership Strategies
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 14:42:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究主要研究目的在於了解臺北市國民中學校長應用的智慧領導策略的現況;探討臺北市國民中學校長智慧領導策略對學校辦學績效的影響;並分析臺北市公私立國民中學校長智慧領導策略在不同學校環境的差異性,包括比較臺北市公私立國民中學校長智慧領導在應用上的差異以及分析臺北市公私立國民中學學校校長智慧領導策略的差異性。為達研究目的,本研究採用實徵訪談法,以臺北市四位公私立國民中學校長為訪談對象,並對蒐集的訪談內容進行紮根理論分析。研究結果的主要結論如下:
    The purpose of this study is to understand the current application of smart leadership strategies by junior high school principals in Taipei City, to explore the impact of these strategies on school performance, and to analyze the differences in the application of smart leadership strategies in public and private junior high schools. This includes comparing the application of smart leadership strategies between public and private schools and analyzing the distinctions in their implementation. To achieve these objectives, the study employs an empirical interview method, targeting four principals from public and private junior high schools in Taipei City. Grounded theory analyzes the collected interview data. The key findings of the study are as follows:
    1. The public principals highlight "clear vision, comprehensive planning, and innovative curricula" and "student learning competencies and teacher professional development." The private school principals focus on "comprehensive smart leadership strategies" and "technological innovation with smart education."
    2. The public principals apply "sustainable educational vision and diversified talent programs" and "teacher development with innovative curricula," while the private principals focus on "smart educational technology and digital management" and "teacher development and smart technology."
    3. The public principals emphasize "establishing professional development mechanisms" as the most significant, while the private principals highlight "integrating smart technology" and "diversified talent programs."
    4. Three principals prioritize "sustainable educational vision," followed by "professional development mechanisms," while another prioritizes "professional development mechanisms," then "diversified talent programs."
    5. Both public and private principals agree that "fostering a culture of diversified learning" best reflects school performance.
    6. The public principals differ in prioritization: one highlights "diversified learning culture" and "enhancing teacher competencies," while another emphasizes "diversified learning culture" and "sustainable development programs."
    7. The private principals unanimously value "sustainable development programs," followed by "enhancing teacher competencies."
    8. The public principals suggest additional strategies, including "resource integration, leadership demonstration, and quality management," and "integrating technology for high-efficiency smart campuses." The private principals propose "smart campus infrastructure optimization" and "effective promotion of smart leadership."
    9. The public principals suggest adjustments like "bilingual and international curricula with cultural inclusiveness" and "human resource management with reflective mechanisms."
    10. The private principals recommend "enhancing core school performance" and "combining gradual reforms to support teacher learning and confidence-building."
    11. The public and private principals differ in strategic priorities, resource utilization, teacher development, administrative management, and cultural implementation of strategies. Finally, based on the conclusions, this study offers recommendations for educational authorities and suggestions for principals in implementing smart leadership strategies, serving as a reference for future research.
    Reference: 壹、中文文獻
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