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    Title: 數位平台對公民參與的影響
    The Impact of Digital Platforms on Civic Participation
    Authors: 陳韻如
    Chen, Yun-Ju
    Contributors: 鄭力軒
    Cheng, Li-Hsuan
    Chen, Yun-Ju
    Keywords: 公民參與
    Civic participation
    Digital platforms
    Doubly robust estimation
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 14:41:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究聚焦探討使用數位平台對台灣民眾公民參與的影響。公民參與作為民主體制運作的核心要素之一,不僅關乎政治合法性,也與民眾的主觀福祉相關。在數位時代,傳播科技嵌入人們的資訊交流與公共參與的日常,相關的研究也不勝枚舉。然而,卻甚少有研究比較不同數位平台對公民參與的影響。本研究採用2022年台灣傳播調查資料,以雙重穩健估計模型進行分析,檢視台灣使用最廣泛的數位平台(如Facebook、Instagram、YouTube、LINE)以及中國開發營運的平台對公民參與的差異化影響。
    This study explores the impact of digital platforms on civic participation among Taiwanese citizens. As digital technologies increasingly embed themselves in everyday communication and public life, much research has focused on the internet’s role in enabling or hindering participation. However, limited attention has been given to the comparative effects of different digital platforms. Drawing on data from the 2022 Taiwan Communication Survey, this study employs a doubly robust estimation model to analyze the effects of popular platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LINE, and Chinese-developed digital platforms on various forms of civic participation.
    While previous research has generally categorized the internet's impact on civic participation into optimistic, pessimistic, and skeptical perspectives, this study moves beyond such frameworks to emphasize the technical differences between platforms. Facebook facilitates information exchange and social networks, Instagram prioritizes visual content, YouTube relies on recommendation algorithms, and LINE serves as a private communication tool. These unique features likely produce distinct impacts on civic behavior. Moreover, platforms developed and regulated by authoritarian states, such as China, introduce further complexities, particularly regarding potential risks of influence operations.
    The findings reveal that the effects of digital platforms on civic participation are neither uniform nor linear. Facebook has played a prominent role in Taiwan’s social movements, positively correlating with civic participation. YouTube, widely used for political discussions and live-streaming by politicians, also demonstrates a potential to enhance civic participation. In contrast, Instagram exhibits a non-linear relationship, where excessive use may lead to negative outcomes due to its focus on self-presentation. LINE, as a platform predominantly used for private communication, shows negligible effects on participation, as users often avoid political discussions to maintain social harmony. Chinese digital platforms, under heavy state regulation, exhibit a detrimental impact, raising concerns about information manipulation.
    This study acknowledges limitations, including its reliance on cross-sectional data, which complicates causal inference, and potential biases arising from the survey period and measurement. Future research could benefit from longitudinal designs to capture dynamic effects over time and more granular measures of platform-specific behaviors. Additionally, attention should be given to the growing influence of authoritarian state-regulated platforms and their broader implications for democratic societies.
    In an era where digital platforms significantly shape civic life, this study underscores the need for academia to deepen its inquiry into platform-specific impacts. Policymakers are urged to consider empirical insights when addressing the challenges posed by digital technologies, devising strategic responses to ensure the healthy development of civic participation in the digital age.
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