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    Title: 女性家務移工的社群媒體再現及他者化策略:以台灣雇主臉書社團為例
    Representation and Othering of Domestic Female Migrant Workers on Social Media: A Case Study on Taiwanese Employers’ Facebook Group
    Authors: 高筱淇
    Kao, Hsiao-Chi
    Contributors: 康庭瑜
    Kang, Ting-Yu
    Kao, Hsiao-Chi
    Keywords: 家務移工
    domestic migrant worker
    social media
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 14:35:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討台灣社群媒體使用者在公開臉書社團-【我是雇主】移工雇主交流園地(MEEF)中,對家庭移工(DMWs)當前的再現方式及他者化現象。本研究採用混合型研究方法,使用內容分析的技術來提取類目,並運用文本分析來解析所選文本的內涵。此外,參考 Ladegaard(2022)的研究框架,本研究在既有領域中,呈現更為完善的框架,並向讀者展示該社團中潛在或現任雇主針對家務移工,所討論的主題及採用的再現策略。本研究的一項重要發現,可歸因於用戶在單一貼文或留言中採用的多種再現策略之間的交互性,這是過去研究未能呈現的部分。這種交互性特徵也暗示,在構建這類言說時,性別、性慾、種族與資本等重要因素往往相互交織且密不可分。
    透過呈現量化與質化結果,本研究首先發現了 6 種適用於台灣語境的新再現策略(包括中立及正面的策略),這些策略被該臉書社團的使用者廣泛用於其言說中,以再現在台家庭移工。接著,本研究也提供了各類目中具代表性的案例文本分析,幫助讀者理解這類言說的具體結構。最後,此研究展示了貼文與留言在所討論主題及採用的再現策略上的關係,並發現留言中的內容傾向於偏離原本所討論主題,同時在「他者化」策略的使用上更為頻繁。本研究之結果與台灣社會現象密不可分,也進一步指出未來研究將研究範疇設在他國的重要性。
    This research delved upon the current representation and othering phenomenon of domestic migrant workers (DMWs) by social media users in an open Taiwanese Facebook group-[I am an employer] Migrant Employers Exchange Forum (MEEF, 【我是雇主】移工雇主交流園地). By adopting a mixed method approach containing slightly the techniques from content analysis to decipher coding categories and the connotation from textual analysis to analyze the chosen texts. By also referring to the research framework of Ladegaard (2022), this research presented to the academia with a refined research framework in which both topics discussed and representation strategies used by potential or current employers of DMWs in this group were displayed. One of the most significant findings of this research can be attributed to the intersectionality between different strategies that were adopted by users in a single post or thread, which is something that past research has failed to present. The intersectional characteristic of the discourse also implied that important players such as gender, sexuality, race, and capital in the realm of DMWs were often intertwined and inseparable from each other when this kind of discourse was built.
    By presenting both quantitative and qualitative results, this research first discovered 6 new strategies specific for the Taiwanese context, including a neutral and a positive one, adopted by the users in the Facebook group when representing DMWs in their discourse. Later, textual analysis of representative cases of each category were also provided to help readers understand how exactly this kind of discourse was structured. In a nutshell, relations between posts and threads in terms of the topics discussed and representation strategies adopted were presented, and it is also found that in threads, there is a tendency for the content to diverge from the original topics discussed and to have a higher frequency in terms of the othering strategies adopted. As findings related to societal phenomenon in the nation were presented, the importance for future research to set scope in different countries are addressed.
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