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    Title: 美中競爭下台灣與南韓對中國避險策略之變動
    Shifts in Hedging Strategies of Taiwan and South Korea towards China amidst US-China Competition
    Authors: 徐品浩
    Hsu, Pin-Hao
    Contributors: 吳崇涵
    Wu, Chong-Han
    Hsu, Pin-Hao
    Keywords: 避險策略
    hedging strategy
    U.S.-China conflict
    foreign policy
    South Korea
    East Asia
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 14:33:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 冷戰結束後,國際單極體系的到來使得東亞中小型國家度過了一段美利堅和平的繁榮時光。然而近年來隨著中國的再次崛起,美國為避免權力持續移轉將對已不利,採取諸多圍堵中國的行動,因而造成位於中美競爭前線的東亞國際情勢愈趨不穩。而絕大多數東亞次級國家為應對不確定性快速上升的國際政治結構,多採行避險策略而不是隱含高政治代價的制衡或扈從策略試圖降低風險。然而,同樣身為東亞地區次級國家一員的台灣與南韓,卻因政黨輪替等國內因素,導致其對中政策相較其他東亞次級國家頗有不同之處。本研究為了找出國內因素是如何影響台灣與南韓的對中政策內涵,決定以決策者理念的視角切入,並利用Koga的避險框架分析台灣與南韓的對中政策。而研究結果顯示,在軍事層面上,台灣決策者理念對台灣對中政策的內涵具有明顯影響,然而在經濟層面上,馬英九的理念對台灣對中政策的影響較蔡英文的理念為大。再者,針對南韓而言,在外交層面上,南韓決策者理念對南韓對中政策的內涵皆具有明顯影響,然而在經濟層面上,只有朴槿惠與尹錫悅的理念對南韓的對中政策影響較大,文在寅的理念則不具明顯影響。
    Following the end of the Cold War, the emergence of a unipolar international system ushered in a period of prosperity under the Pax Americana for East Asia’s small and
    medium-sized states. However, in recent years, China’s resurgence has prompted the United States to adopt containment measures aimed at preventing an unfavorable shift in power, leading to growing instability in East Asia, situated at the forefront of U.S. China competition. Most secondary states in East Asia have responded to this uncertainty by adopting hedging strategies, seeking to mitigate risks rather than incurring the high political costs of balancing or bandwagoning. However, Taiwan and South Korea have shown significant differences in their China policies, influenced by domestic factors such as changes in political leadership. This study explores how domestic factors shape Taiwan’s and South Korea’s China policies by applying Koga’s hedging framework and analyzing these policies through the lens of decision-makers’ perceptions of international relations. The findings reveal that in Taiwan, leaders’ perceptions strongly influence the military aspects of Taiwan’s China policy, with Ma Ying jeou’s economic policies having a greater impact on Taiwan’s approach to China than those of Tsai Ing-wen. For South Korea, decision-makers’ perceptions significantly shape the diplomatic dimensions of its China policy. In the economic domain, however, only Park Geun-hye and Yoon Suk-yeol demonstrate substantial influence, while Moon Jae-in’s impact remains limited.
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