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    Title: 臺灣韓語學習者問候言語行為應答研究—以「禮貌邀請」與「禮貌約定」為例
    A study on the responses of Taiwanese Korean learners to greeting speech acts—focusing on ‘courteous request’ and ‘courteous commission’
    Authors: 楊珮琪
    Yang, Pei-Chi
    Contributors: 陳冠超
    Chen, Kuan-Chao
    Yang, Pei-Chi
    Keywords: 言語行為研究
    Speech Acts
    Greeting Speech Acts
    Taiwanese Korean Learners
    Perception of Speech Acts
    Response Strategies
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 14:32:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究從問候言語行為的範疇為核心,將與邀請及約定言語行為密切相關的「禮貌邀請言語行為」及「禮貌約定言語行為」之應答行為作為研究對象,旨在開發並提出適合臺灣學習者的韓語言語行為教學資料。
    Centering on the domain of greeting speech acts, this study exerts as the research subjects the response behaviors of ‘courteous request’ and ‘courteous commission’ closely related to request and commission speech acts. By this way, it aims to develop and propose Korean speech acts’ teaching materials tailored for Taiwanese learners.
    To achieve this goal, this study has surveyed Koreans aged 20–29 and Taiwanese Korean learners, and investigated the types of the subjects’ perceptions and response strategies in terms of courteous requests and courteous commissions. According to the results, in situations of the ‘indeterminate distant future’ and the ‘distant relationships’, Koreans presented relatively lower recognition of politeness speech acts in respect of genuine requests or commissions. Additionally, significant differences were found between Koreans and Taiwanese learners in situations, such as ‘in a specific near future’, ‘the distant relationship’, and ‘speaker=listener’. In those situations, Taiwanese learners have exhibited a stronger perception of politeness than Koreans have. As a whole, for response to courteous request speech act and courteous commission speech behavior, both groups prefer acceptance responses to refusal responses. Nonetheless, subtle differences still emerged when strategies were used.
    In terms of acceptance speech acts, both groups employed direct acceptance strategies most frequently. In ‘indeterminate distant future’ situations, both groups heavily utilized request and gratitude strategies, which were extremely often accompanied by commission strategies. However, in ‘specific near future’ situations, the usage of commission strategy decreased significantly. Consequently, in ‘distant relationship’ scenarios, the Koreans tended to use limited acceptance strategies to lower the burden on the interlocutor, while Taiwanese learners preferred to employing gratitude strategies toward the respondents with social status higher than themselves.
    As far as refusal speech act is concerned, in all situations except the ‘speaker<responder’ situation, both groups employed the direct refusal strategies most frequently. Korean learners used future commission strategies in the situation of ‘indeterminate distant future’ . In ‘specific near future’, the Koreans tended to refuse the opposite side’s request by Reason (2) strategy. Meanwhile, Taiwanese Korean learners preferred to use Reason (3) strategy for refusal. When it comes to ‘close relationship’, both groups utilized a variety of refusal strategies like invitation, future commission, reasons, and so on. As for the ‘distant relationship’, particularly for the Korean learners, the refusal strategies proposed by reason, gratitude, and so on were preferred.
    When it comes to social status, both groups adopted diversified refusal strategies in ‘speaker<responder’ situations. On the other hand, both groups primarily employed the direct refusal strategies in ‘speaker=responder’ and ‘speaker>responder’ situations. Particularly, Koreans showed greater influence of hierarchy on the responders. Moreover, Taiwanese learners often delayed their acceptance or rejection by asking follow-up questions or remaining unresponsive without providing immediate answers.
    This study incorporated an improved PPP teaching model with the ESA teaching framework to design lesson plans aiming at encouraging beginning learners’ practical abilities. Several implications can be drawn based on the findings:
    To start with, this study reexamined and redefined the ambiguous definitions observed in previous research, such as polite greetings, formulaic greetings, conventional greetings, and greeting speech acts. Besides, this study established a systematic framework to clarify the boundaries between courteous requests and courteous commissions. Secondly, this study addressed gaps in prior research. The shortage involved neglecting the second utterance (response speech acts), and supplemented response-lack content relative to greeting speech acts in Korean textbooks. Finally, this study proposed the teaching materials reflecting learners’ needs based on the survey results.
    Without doubt, the study has several limitations. First, as the participants were limited to Koreans and Taiwanese learners aged 20–29, the findings cannot fully capture generational differences nor characteristics of all age groups. Next, the DCT questionnaire used in the study collected data through online typing, which may not fully reflect all real-life linguistic forms. Non-verbal elements like gestures and facial expressions playing critical roles were not addressed. Last of all, this study merely analyzed the frequency of response strategies without examining the sequential order where/when these strategies showed up. Hence, the future studies are expected to follow up and address these limitations by means of alternative methods or other discourse analysis.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109557007
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