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Title: | 環境難民國際法地位之研究 A Study on the International Legal Status of Environmental Refugees |
Authors: | 白佩玉 Bai, Pei-Yu |
Contributors: | 陳純一 Chen, Chun-i 白佩玉 Bai, Pei-Yu |
Keywords: | 氣候變遷 環境難民 難民公約 人權公約 國際環境法 氣候正義 Climate Change Environmental Refugees Refugee Convention Human Rights Law International Environmental Law Climate Justice |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 14:30:50 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究探討環境難民在國際法框架下的法律地位,並分析其與《難民公約》、國際人權公約及國際環境法的關聯。隨著氣候變遷與環境退化加劇,全球愈來愈多人口因自然災害、海平面上升及極端氣候現象被迫遷徙。然而,現行國際法體系尚未明確將「環境難民」納入保護範疇,導致受影響群體難以獲得適當的法律保障及人道援助,進一步加劇環境與人權的不平等問題。 本研究首先檢視《難民公約》中對「難民」的定義,並分析環境難民難以符合現行法律標準的根本原因。其次,透過國際人權機制,探討國際人權公約、國際法院與人權機構是否能提供補充性保護,並深入分析Ioane Teitiota 訴紐西蘭案,以評估現行法律適用的可能性。此外,本文亦從國際環境法與政府政策角度切入,探討國際社會在「共同但有區別的責任原則」(Common But Differentiated Responsibilities;CBDR)框架下推動環境難民保護的潛力與挑戰,並進一步分析氣候正義(climate justice)在環境難民議題中的適用性,特別關注因氣候變遷承擔較大風險的脆弱國家與族群應獲得的公正待遇。 此外,隨著近年來氣候訴訟(climate litigation)的興起,環境人權議題逐漸進入國際法律與法院審理的範圍。透過分析 Urgenda訴荷蘭案(2015)、Neubauer 訴德國案(2021)等指標性案件,本文探討各國政府是否應對環境難民承擔更明確的法律義務,並檢視氣候訴訟如何影響國際法規範的發展方向。 最後,本文提出政策建議,國際社會應透過強化法律架構、促進區域合作機制以及推動環境正義等方式,確保因環境變遷而流離失所者的基本人權與生存權能夠得到適當保障。本研究期望能為環境難民的國際法律定位提供實證與理論基礎,進一步促進國際社會對此議題的關注與行動。 This study examines the legal status of environmental refugees within the framework of international law and analyzes their relationship with the Refugee Convention, international human rights treaties, and international environmental law. As climate change and environmental degradation intensify, an increasing number of people are forced to migrate due to natural disasters, rising sea levels, and extreme weather events. However, the current international legal framework has yet to explicitly recognize environmental refugees within its scope of protection, leaving affected populations without adequate legal safeguards and humanitarian assistance, further exacerbating environmental and human rights inequalities.
This study first explores the definition of refugees under the Refugee Convention and analyzes the fundamental reasons why environmental refugees fail to meet existing legal criteria. It then examines whether international human rights mechanisms, including human rights treaties, international courts, and human rights institutions, can provide complementary protection. Through an in-depth analysis of the Ioane Teitiota v. New Zealand case, this study evaluates the applicability of existing legal instruments. Additionally, from the perspectives of international environmental law and government policies, this paper investigates the potential and challenges of advancing environmental refugee protection within the framework of the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR). Furthermore, it assesses the relevance of climate justice in the context of environmental refugees, emphasizing the need for equitable treatment of vulnerable nations and communities disproportionately affected by climate change. In recent years, the rise of climate litigation has brought environmental human rights issues into the domain of international law and judicial review. By analyzing landmark cases such as Urgenda v. The Netherlands (2015) and Neubauer v. Germany (2021), this study explores whether governments should assume more explicit legal obligations toward environmental refugees and how climate litigation influences the evolution of international legal norms.
Finally, this study provides policy recommendations, emphasizing the need for the international community to strengthen legal frameworks, enhance regional cooperation mechanisms, and promote climate justice to ensure that those displaced by environmental changes receive proper protection for their fundamental human rights and the right to survival. This research aims to contribute both empirical and theoretical foundations for the legal recognition of environmental refugees and to encourage greater global engagement in addressing this pressing issue. |
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