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Title: | 國際媒體對威權政體政治鎮壓之影響:以台灣為例(1961~1987) The Impact of International Naming and Shaming on Political Repression in Authoritarian Regimes: The Case of Taiwan (1961-1987) |
Authors: | 詹家威 Zhan, Jia-Wei |
Contributors: | 蘇彥斌 詹家威 Zhan, Jia-Wei |
Keywords: | 白色恐怖 點名與羞辱 迴力鏢模型 威權政體 政治犯 White Terror Naming and Shaming Boomerang Model Authoritarian Regime Political Prisoners |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 14:25:20 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著台灣政治轉型、以及民主深化,過去威權統治時期政治檔案也一一解禁,許多研究得以深入探討白色恐怖時期的政治判決。然而,目前大多數研究主要為個案質性分析,較少以量化方法進行系統性討論;而目前的系統性研究,也較少從國際壓力的角度進行分析。為了補充既有文獻的不足,本研究採取迴力鏢理論的視角,探討國際媒體如何影響政治犯的判決刑度。本研究假設,相較於未被國際媒體點名的政治犯,被點名政治犯及其同案被告之終審刑度會較輕。本論文將採取混合研究法進行分析,就量化研究設計而言,本論文將利用《紐約時報》的資料編碼國際媒體點名之變項,並利用《臺灣轉型正義資料庫》編碼政治犯判決刑度,然後利用考量選擇偏誤之有序多分迴歸模型進行分析。其次,就質化研究設計而言,本研究將探討謝聰敏案,藉以說明國際媒體點名如何對於政治犯的判決刑度造成影響。本研究實證分析結果發現國際媒體之人權點名的確會影響國民黨政府對政治犯的鎮壓力道,並反映在終審刑度的減輕。除了量化分析外,本研究還進一步採用過程追溯法針對謝聰敏案進行案例研究,以此展現國際媒體點名如何影響政治犯的判決刑度之理論機制及其運作過程。綜言之,本研究的貢獻在於透過系統性的分析,對台灣白色恐怖時期的政治鎮壓提供更細膩的理解,並對人權實務的運作帶來若干啟發。 With Taiwan's political transition and deepening democracy, political archives from the authoritarian era have been declassified, enabling deeper research into White Terror political verdicts. However, most studies focus on qualitative case analysis, with few employing quantitative methods systematically, and even fewer examining international pressure. To fill this gap, this study applies boomerang theory to analyze how international media influence political prisoner sentencing. It hypothesizes that prisoners named by international media, along with their co-defendants, receive lighter final sentences. Using a mixed-methods approach, the quantitative analysis codes international media exposure via The New York Times and sentencing data from the Taiwan Transitional Justice Database, employing an ordered multinomial regression model to address selection bias. The qualitative analysis examines the Hsieh Tsung-min case to illustrate the impact of international media exposure. Empirical findings confirm that international human rights coverage influenced Kuomintang repression, leading to reduced sentencing. This study further employs process tracing in the Hsieh case to clarify the mechanisms through which media exposure affects sentencing. Overall, it provides a more nuanced understanding of Taiwan’s White Terror repression and offers insights into human rights advocacy. |
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