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Title: | 在選舉中如何談性?探討性交易議題的選舉效果 How to Talk About Sex in Elections? Exploring the Electoral Impact of the Sex Trade Issue |
Authors: | 王森玫 Wang, Sen-Mei |
Contributors: | 楊婉瑩 Yang, Wan-Ying 王森玫 Wang, Sen-Mei |
Keywords: | 性交易 候選人偏好 議題顯著性 道德政治 聯合列表實驗 Sex Trade Candidate Preference Issue Salience Moral Politics Conjoint Table Experiment |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 14:25:08 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 性與性別議題近年來頻繁出現於選舉政治,我國2022年九合一選舉中,便有候選人提出設立性專區以及推動性文化活動為政見,性議題成為了選舉議題之一。性議題儘管有高度敏感性和爭議性,從選舉結果而論,性議題於當時為候選人帶來了政治紅利。為檢驗性議題是否確實會影響到選民的投票偏好,以及性議題在單一選舉多數決的選制下產生的效果為何,本研究選擇以性交易議題進行分析,探究性交易議題之選舉效果。 初步以世界價值觀調查的資料進行量化分析,檢驗民眾對性交易的態度分歧,以及性交易態度對選舉的影響。再以聯合列表調查實驗模擬選舉公報,設計候選人的性交易政見,以了解候選人提出性交易規範政策,是否會為其帶來加分效果。世界價值觀調查的分析結果發現,女性較男性對性交易持反對態度,年輕世代也較年長世代更反對性交易,而性交易態度也會對投票選擇產生影響。候選人端聯合列表調查實驗進行資料分析後,顯示選民會偏好投給有性交易管制政見的候選人,不過無論是候選人或選民,此偏好不存在性別間的差異。由此可見,在符合性道德秩序下的性交易管制政見,能夠獲得選民的青睞,且其議題性相當強烈,展現出性交易議題在選舉中的效應。 Issues of sex and gender have increasingly appeared in electoral politics in recent years. During Taiwan’s 2022 nine-in-one election, some candidates proposed policies such as establishing red-light districts and promoting sex culture activities, making sexual issues one of the focal points of the election. Despite their sensitivity and controversy, the election results suggest that sexual issues brought political benefits to certain candidates. To examine whether sexual issues indeed influence voter preferences and to understand their effects under a single-member district plurality electoral system, this study focuses on the issue of sex work to analyze its electoral impact. This paper conducts an initial quantitative analysis using data from the World Values Survey to examine public attitudes toward sex work and the influence of these attitudes on electoral outcomes. A conjoint experiment simulating election bulletins was also conducted, where candidates’ policy proposals on sex work regulation were designed to assess whether such proposals enhance voter support. Results from the World Values Survey reveal that women are more likely than men to oppose sex work, and younger generations exhibit greater opposition compared to older generations. Attitudes toward sex work also significantly influence voting choices. Data analysis from the conjoint experiment shows that voters tend to favor candidates who propose sex work regulatory policies, regardless of gender. These findings suggest that policies regulating sex work, when aligned with sexual moral order, garner voter support and underscore the significant impact of sex work issues in electoral contexts. |
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