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Title: | 虛擬網紅能否引發同情或同理心?探討一致性理論的角色 Can Virtual Influencers Evoke Sympathy or Empathy? Exploring the Role of Congruence Theory |
Authors: | 陳俐 Chen, Li |
Contributors: | 朴星俊 Park, Sung-Jun 陳俐 Chen, Li |
Keywords: | 虛擬網紅 一致性 同情心 同理心 換位思考 Virtual influencer Congruence Sympathy Empathy Perspective-taking |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 13:59:50 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 當消費者看到患有遺傳疾病的虛擬網紅時,會感受到同情還是同理心?本研究旨在探討虛擬網紅如何透過運用使命一致性來有效代表受忽視群體並促進包容性。基於一致性理論,本研究進一步探討塑造消費者反應的潛在機制——同情與同理心。結果(n = 463)顯示,消費者對虛擬網紅與其使命之間更高的一致性感知,顯著提升了購買意願,且這一效果由同理心中介。然而,同情心並未在此關係中起到中介作用,這表明消費者的正向回應需要更深層次的認知參與,消費者需採取虛擬網紅的視角,而不僅僅是表達同情。通過區分這些心理狀態,本研究拓展了一致性相關的研究,並強調了同理心(以換位思考為核心)在虛擬網紅行銷這一新興情境中的關鍵作用。 Do consumers experience sympathy or empathy when viewing a virtual influencer with a genetic disorder? The purpose of this study is to uncover how virtual influencers can effectively represent underrepresented groups to promote inclusivity through leveraging mission congruence. Drawing on congruence theory, this study further investigates the underlying mechanisms—sympathy and empathy—that shape consumer responses. Results (n = 463) reveal that a higher perceived congruence between the virtual influencer and its mission significantly increases consumers’ willingness to purchase, mediated by empathy. Sympathy, however, does not mediate this effect, suggesting that positive outcomes require greater cognitive engagement, wherein consumers adopt the virtual influencer’s perspective rather than merely expressing sympathy. By distinguishing between these psychological states, this study extends prior research on congruence by emphasizing the critical role of empathy—conceptualized as perspective-taking—in the emerging context of virtual influencer marketing. |
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