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Title: | 平台後進者之競爭策略個案分析 A Case Study on Competitive Strategies of a Platform Latecomer |
Authors: | 許宇涵 Hsu, Yu-Han |
Contributors: | 邱奕嘉 Chiu, Yi-Chia 許宇涵 Hsu, Yu-Han |
Keywords: | NFT 市場 平台經濟 後進者策略 競爭優勢 Blur NFT market Platform economy Latecomer strategy Competitve advantage |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 13:59:14 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著區塊鏈技術的發展,相關應用如雨後春筍般不斷湧現,其中,NFT 市場的快速成長尤為顯著。儘管交易平台之間的競爭日益激烈,OpenSea 作為先行者仍長期穩居市場主導地位。然而,新興平台 Blur 的迅速崛起在短短時間內改變了市場格局。Blur 不僅憑藉創新策略快速提升市場佔有率,還成功吸引大量專業交易者的關注與參與。因此,本研究以 Blur 作為個案,深入探討其作為市場後進者,如何在競爭激烈的環境中找到切入點,並透過哪些策略實現突破,進一步構築競爭優勢,成長為市場領導者。 本研究結合平台競爭策略、後進者策略及 NFT 市場的相關文獻與數據資訊,旨在了解並解構 Blur 如何識別市場缺口,以及其所採取的具體策略與措施。 研究圍繞以下核心命題展開: 一、個案公司如何識別並利用市場領導者(OpenSea)的弱點,構建自身競爭優勢? 二、個案公司如何建立用戶吸引與留存策略,實現後發先至,成為市場領導者? 最後,本研究提出了一套後進者競爭策略的分析框架,總結 Blur 的成功經驗,並為未來欲探討 NFT 市場競爭動態或後進者競爭策略的學者與實務工作者提供重要的參考基礎,助力相關領域研究與實踐的進一步拓展。 With the rapid development of blockchain technology, various applications have emerged at an unprecedented pace. Among them, the growth of the NFT market has been particularly remarkable. Despite the intensifying competition among trading platforms, OpenSea, as a first-mover, has long maintained its dominant position in the market. However, the swift rise of the emerging platform Blur has reshaped the market landscape in a short period. Leveraging innovative strategies, Blur not only rapidly increased its market share but also successfully attracted the attention and participation of numerous NFT traders. Therefore, this study takes Blur as a case to deeply explore how it, as a market latecomer, identified opportunities in a highly competitive environment, implemented breakthrough strategies, and established competitive advantages to become a market leader. This research integrates literature on platform competition strategies, latecomer strategies, and the NFT market, aiming to understand and deconstruct how Blur identified market gaps and developed corresponding strategies and actions. The study is guided by two core research questions: (1) How did the case company identify and exploit the weaknesses of the market leader (OpenSea) to build its competitive advantage? (2) How did the case company establish user acquisition and retention strategies to achieve a latecomer-to-leader transition? Ultimately, this study proposes an analytical framework for latecomer competitive strategies, summarizing Blur’s success, and provides valuable insights for future researchers and practitioners interested in the dynamics of NFT market competition or latecomer competitive strategies. This framework serves as an important reference, contributing to the further exploration of related academic and practical domains. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 110363054 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110363054 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文
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