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Title: | 我國勞動基準法工時規定對企業工時制度影響之探討 A Study on the Impact of Working Hour Provisions of the Labor Standards Act on Corporate Working Hour Systems in Taiwan |
Authors: | 郭馥瑄 Kuo, Fu-Hsuan |
Contributors: | 成之約 郭馥瑄 Kuo, Fu-Hsuan |
Keywords: | 工作時間 工時彈性化 變形工時 補休 輪班制 休息時間 working hours flexible working hours compressed workweek compensatory leave shift system rest time |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 13:56:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我國於民國105年至107年歷經勞動基準法短時間內三次修法,包括正常工時從二週84小時縮減為每週40小時;國定假日砍假7天;一例一休上路;休息日先規定做1給4、做5給8、做9給12,修法為依實際加班時數來給;放寬加班彈性、例假彈性、輪班間隔彈性及特休運用彈性。這期間造成許多紛紛擾擾,也讓勞基法頻頻躍上新聞版面。所幸,觀察相關數據發現,縮減法定正常工時確實有效降低我國年總工時,而且一例一休規定對於落實「週休二日」是有幫助的。 基於勞基法頻繁修法可能對企業帶來的影響,故觀察勞基法工時規定對企業工時制度運用上所遭遇之困境,本文受訪企業遇到的勞基法適法問題主要有四個,一為補休期限遇特休期限即須結清,導致勞工在補休的運用上會較受限;二為輪班制之定義不夠明確,使用排班的企業會不確定自己是否屬於輪班制;三為對休息時間的規定感到窒礙難行;四為習慣以「月」來排班及領月薪,不習慣或不完全理解現行變形工時的相關規定導致誤觸法令。透過比較考察法,參酌德國、日本及韓國之工時制度,梳理出適合我國的工時規定,本文於最後一章建議部分提出相關修法建議,提供政府政策措施之參考,盼法令之制定與企業實務上之需求能達到更好的平衡點。 From 2016 to 2018, Taiwan's Labor Standards Act (LSA) underwent three amendments in a short period, which included reducing standard working hours from 84 hours per two weeks to 40 hours per week, reducing seven national holidays, implementing the "one fixed day off, one flexible day off", changing overtime pay for rest days to align with actual hours worked instead of fixed increments, and increasing flexibility for overtime, days off, shift intervals, and annual paid leaves usage. These rapid changes created significant public debate and brought the LSA frequently into the news. Fortunately, an analysis of relevant data shows that the reduction of standard working hours has effectively reduced Taiwan’s annual total working hours, and the "one fixed day off, one flexible day off" policy has helped to establish "two days off per week." Given the potential impact of frequent LSA amendments on businesses, this paper examines the challenges faced by companies in implementing the LSA’s working hours regulations. The study identifies four primary issues that companies encounter regarding LSA compliance. First, when compensatory leave and special leave overlap, they must be settled, limiting flexibility in using compensatory leave. Second, the definition of the shift system is vague, leaving companies with rotating schedules uncertain if they fall under this system. Third, the rest time regulations are perceived as restrictive. Fourth, many companies are accustomed to scheduling work and paying salaries on a monthly or weekly basis and may misunderstand or inadvertently violate current flexible working hour regulations. By analyzing and comparing international labor standards, particularly those in the Germany, Japan, and South Korea, this paper outlines working hour regulations suited to Taiwan. The final chapter offers recommendations for further amendments, aiming to provide a balance between regulatory compliance and practical business needs. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 勞工研究所 110262012 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110262012 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [勞工研究所] 學位論文
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