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    Title: 十五秒的參與:青少年使用社群媒體短影音的認知偏好與效果
    Fifteen Seconds of Engagement: Adolescents' Cognitive Preferences and Effects of Short Video Usage on Social Media
    Authors: 楊莉莉
    Yang, Li-Li
    Contributors: 蘇蘅
    Su, Herng
    Yang, Li-Li
    Keywords: 短影音
    Short video
    Creative expression
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 13:52:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 短影音作為數位娛樂媒介的代表,於全球迅速發展後,深刻影響青少年的人際互動模式。對於「數位原民世代」的青少年群體而言,短影音觸發的強大脫殼力,得以讓青少年密切地連結與拓展人際網絡,塑造新的媒介使用習慣與行為動機。



    Short-video platforms, as a rapidly developing digital entertainment medium, have profoundly reshaped adolescents' social environments and interaction patterns. For the "digital native generation", the powerful experiential impact triggered by short-video content facilitates close social connections and expands their networks, shaping new media habits and behavioral motivations.

    This study applies affordance theory to digital media by introducing the concept of multimodal affordances in short-video platforms. Through a questionnaire survey of public high school students in Taipei, 556 valid responses were collected.

    The findings reveal that short videos serve as crucial tools for adolescent entertainment and social interaction. Entertainment and stress relief are primary viewing motivations, accompanied by a strong tendency to follow trends. Additionally, the increasing participation in short-video creation signals the emergence of new digital engagement cultures. Technological affordances, such as algorithmic recommendations and content editing tools, significantly enhance adolescents' well-being and creative expression, while relational affordances, such as interactive social features, reinforce their sense of belonging and self-actualization. However, the highly interactive and immersive nature of short videos may increase addiction risks, particularly among socially dependent users. Although short videos support information retrieval and learning, their fragmented format may hinder adolescents' ability to sustain long-term focus.

    This study empirically examines the dual impacts of short-video usage, shedding light on Taiwanese adolescents' media habits and digital-age development.
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