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    Title: 擄獲Z世代的心 – 銀行使用社群媒體之行銷傳播策略分析
    Capturing the Hearts of Generation Z – An Analysis of Banks' Marketing Communication Strategies on Social Media
    Authors: 蔡宜真
    Tsai, Yi-Chen
    Contributors: 蘇蘅
    Su, Herng
    Tsai, Yi-Chen
    Keywords: 銀行
    Social Media
    Generation Z
    Marketing Communication Strategies
    Digital Marketing
    Digital Finance
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 13:52:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣銀行家數多且競爭激烈,存在Overbanking的問題,為爭取經濟能力、理財及儲蓄需求皆逐步提升的Z世代,並在Z世代還沒有固定來往的銀行時爭取成為其首選銀行,故台灣銀行業者積極以社群媒體接觸Z世代。本研究旨在了解現銀行經營眾多數位行銷通路時,社群媒體之於其銀行行銷傳播的角色為何,且銀行如何制定在社群媒體與Z世代溝通的策略。


    本研究以社群媒體為媒介,通過「銀行 - Z世代 - 社群媒體」的交互關係,為行銷理論的發展提供了新的視角。透過訪談銀行內部經營社群人員,以了解銀行自社群經營策略決策面,到實際執行的實際狀況,且佐以實際針對Z世代進行的問卷調查進行相互印證,全盤了解銀行、Z世代、社群媒體三者之關聯及互動。此外,本研究也從銀行體制的面向去分析社群媒體在當代銀行業行銷策略中扮演的關鍵角色及重要性,以補足現有研究並未探查之方向,亦供數位金融產業、主管機關、或學校行銷相關課程授課參考。
    Taiwan’s banking industry is highly competitive, with an excessive number of banks leading to over-banking. To attract Generation Z, whose financial capabilities, investment habits, and savings demands are growing, Taiwanese banks actively use social media to engage this demographic before they establish long-term banking relationships. This study explores the role of social media in bank marketing strategies, particularly how banks communicate with Generation Z while managing multiple digital channels.

    Using in-depth interviews and survey methods, the study interviewed six bank social media managers and executives and conducted an online survey (N=247) to examine Generation Z’s perceptions and expectations of banks' social media presence. The key findings are:
    1.Banks adopt three key communication strategies for Generation Z when managing social media: precision, speed, and value-added benefits, which include concise information, fast responses and services, and a strong emphasis on promotions.
    2.Social media strategies are tied to measurable objectives, with investment from technology departments significantly shaping management approaches.
    3.When managing social media, public banks focus on brand exposure and reaching new customers, while private banks emphasize understanding customer needs, optimizing services, and cultivating brand advocates among Generation Z.
    4.Banks should implement a "deprofessionalization" strategy, simplifying financial jargon into infographics, videos, and storytelling for better communication on social media.

    This study offers new marketing insights by analyzing the interaction between banks, Generation Z, and social media. Interviews with bank social media managers provide perspectives on strategy and execution, while surveys validate findings, creating a comprehensive view of their interactions. Additionally, this study examines social media’s role in modern banking marketing, addressing research gaps and offering valuable insights for the digital finance industry, regulators, and marketing education.
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