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    Title: 解讀社群媒體假名人廣告的詐騙敘事
    Analyzing the Scam Narratives of Fake Celebrity Endorsement Advertisements on Social Media
    Authors: 謝偉姝
    Hsieh, Wei-Shu
    Contributors: 蘇蘅
    Su, Herng
    Hsieh, Wei-Shu
    Keywords: 假訊息
    Celebrity Endorsement
    Social Media
    Corpus Analysis
    Multimodal Analysis
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 13:52:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究主要探討盛行於社群平台假冒名人理財投資訊息貼文,然而面對受到政府與社會高度關注的假冒名人理財投資貼文之假訊息,則尚未有以名人為主題之假訊息研究。本研究目的即針對此類貼文進行文本分析,探討詐騙貼文訊息的形式、內容及敘事設計,了解敘事內容如何能使人誤信,以及依據分析結果,探究此類貼文訊息在臺灣社會及社群媒體快速傳散的原因、提出對政策的建議,期望對假訊息傳播研究領域作出貢獻。
    This study primarily explores the phenomenon of celebrity impersonation investment scam posts prevalent on social media platforms. Despite the government and society's heightened attention to fake investment posts featuring impersonated celebrities, there has been a lack of research specifically focused on disinformation related to celebrities. The purpose of this study is to conduct a textual analysis of such posts, examining their format, content, and narrative design to understand how these narratives mislead audiences. Based on the analysis, the study aims to investigate the reasons behind the rapid dissemination of such fraudulent posts in Taiwanese society and social media, provide policy recommendations, and contribute to the broader research field of disinformation dissemination.
    The researcher independently collected six months' worth of Facebook posts impersonating celebrities and selected ten representative (fake) celebrities and their posts for analysis. The study employs a quantitative analysis of corpus data to extract keywords, followed by qualitative analysis to examine the textual context of these keywords, and multimodal analysis to reveal deeper textual meanings. The key findings are as follows:
    1. Celebrities are portrayed as benevolent, professional, or trustworthy figures, constructing a helping image through self-disclosure or participation in charitable activities.
    2. The textual features indicate that scammers use stock investment, joining exclusive groups, or profit-making opportunities as hooks to attract audiences.
    3. The narrative structure typically begins with celebrity elements, greeting the audience in the first person, and gradually guiding them through an investment and financial management storyline. Encouraging language is often used at the end to drive audiences toward a call-to-action (CTA) prompting them to join a group.
    4. Facebook allows for the blending of different media formats, and its advertising system enables scammers to set target audiences and post schedules. This flexibility allows scammers to quickly adapt their content based on current events and post fraudulent advertisements on Facebook within a very short period.
    Finally, the study examines Facebook’s failure to self-regulate and references legal cases where the Australian government sued Facebook, proposing that governments should take a firm stance against Facebook and implement policies to enhance comprehensive media literacy for social media users as soon as possible.
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