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    Title: 社群編輯的多重傳播角色:從新聞標題生成到策略形成的探討
    Exploring the multiple roles of social media editors: A study on generating news headlines and developing strategies
    Authors: 黃薔
    Huang, Chiang
    Contributors: 蘇蘅
    Su, Herng
    Huang, Chiang
    Keywords: 新聞標題
    News headlines
    Social media editors
    Social media logic
    Transmedia storytelling
    Cross-platform operation
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 13:52:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著社群平台逐漸成為大眾接收新聞的主要管道,社群編輯透過「下標題」重新包裝社群平台上的新聞,以提升新聞的擴散性與競爭力,其在新聞產業中角色的影響性不容忽視。而當今多個社群平台並行的媒體環境,不只使標題的生成策略更為複雜、呈現樣態更加多元,也翻轉了網路新聞的產製邏輯與過程。


    Social media become the primary platforms for the users to access news over the past couple years, in order to reach more viewers and enhance the competitiveness, social media editors edit different news headlines to meet several social media platforms. The influence of social media editors in the news industry is game-changing.

    Because of the use of multiple social media nowadays, the strategies of generating news headlines become more complex and the formats of presenting them become more diverse. In this case, the phenomenon transforms the logic and process of writing online news.

    This study conducts the in-depth interviews to derives the domain knowledge and the experience of operating different platforms from several social media editors, as well as their strategies for generating news headlines on LINE, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

    The study indicates that social media editors are engaged in every stage of the action value chain in the news production process, assuming a variety of communication roles, including those of social platform managers, information designers, brand image curators, data analysts, and public relations strategists.

    Regarding headline generation strategies, this study integrates the social media logic and conceptualizes the process of strategy formation into three phases: evaluating platform characteristics, delineating reader demographics, and stylizing headlines. In addition, the study found that social media editors employ transmedia storytelling techniques such as story extension, genre conversion, and media translation to adapt content across multiple social platforms, facilitating integrated cross-platform news distribution.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110941024
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