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Title: | 從博物館行銷看社群媒體之機緣:以Tiktok為例 Affordances of Social Media in Museum Marketing: Insights from TikTok |
Authors: | 蔡政志 Tsai, Cheng-Chih |
Contributors: | 林玲遠 陳百齡 Lin, Ling-Yuan Chen, Pai-Lin 蔡政志 Tsai, Cheng-Chih |
Keywords: | 行銷 社群媒體 博物館 機緣 數位新科技 Marketing Social media Museum Affordances New digital technologies |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 13:52:03 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 博物館行銷在過去十分仰賴傳統大眾媒體,隨著社群媒體以及新科技的發展,行銷策略出現了以社群媒體為主的趨勢。尤其是新冠疫情以來,世界各地的博物館對社群媒體以及數位新科技的依賴日益加深。如今,博物館的使命已經由保存與展示藏品,轉變到教育、引導大眾學習以及享受。「涉入」(Engagement)和「寓教於樂」(Edutainment)都成為博物館與大眾互動的重要方式,特別是在疫情時期,社群媒體幫助博物館給用戶帶來不同的體驗,成為幫助博物館社群行銷的重要因素。從最初分享資訊與人際溝通的平台,到成為行銷的重要工具,再到現在行銷角色的多樣化,在社群媒體不斷進化中,數位新科技的發展與人的意向轉變都發揮著舉足輕重的作用。 本研究採用概念探究的方式整理相關文獻,從博物館與社群媒體的「機緣」角度切入,提出新的概念框架;並以TikTok平台為研究對象,採用案例分析法對案例進行文本分析,將實證結果與文獻探討形成對應。研究發現,在新科技與人類意向相互影響下,社群媒體改變了人際溝通與互動的方式。在博物館行銷中,社群媒體呈現出高階機緣,如可見性、可編輯性與關聯性,這些高階機緣促進了變化的產生,使博物館的社群行銷更加多元與豐富。社群媒體的功能也由行銷推廣工具逐漸擴展為博物館教育與文化傳播的延伸。 本研究聚焦於博物館社群行銷的機緣角度,彌補以往僅著重於行銷策略與成效分析的研究缺口。結果顯示,TikTok 的可見性提升博物館曝光與行銷效果;編輯功能助力創作多元有趣內容,增強觀眾參與並實現寓教於樂;關聯性則促進互動,提升粉絲黏著度與觀眾體驗。研究期望為策展人提供新視角,啟發其洞察社群媒體機遇,推動博物館行銷創新。 Museum marketing has traditionally relied heavily on conventional mass media. However, with the development of social media and emerging technologies, marketing strategies have shifted toward a social media-centric approach. This trend has been especially pronounced since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, during which museums worldwide have increasingly depended on social media and digital technologies. Today, the mission of museums has evolved from merely preserving and displaying collections to focusing on education, fostering public engagement, and promoting enjoyment. Concepts such as "engagement" and "edutainment" have become vital means for museums to interact with the public. Social media, in particular, has played a crucial role during the pandemic by enabling museums to offer diverse experiences to users and enhancing their social marketing efforts. This study adopts a conceptual exploration approach to review relevant literature, examining the affordances of social media for museums and introducing new insights. Using a case study method, the research analyzes content on the TikTok platform to align its findings with the conceptual framework established through the literature review. The study reveals that under the mutual influence of new technologies and human intentions, social media has transformed the way people communicate and interact. In the context of museum marketing, social media affords advanced capabilities such as visibility, editability, and connectivity, which have enriched the diversity and depth of social marketing strategies. Social media has thus evolved from a promotional tool into an extension of museum education and cultural dissemination. The affordances of social media for museums are not limited to any single platform. By combining conceptual exploration with case analysis, this study aims to inspire curators to uncover new possibilities for leveraging social media, offering deeper insights into its affordances and opening new avenues for museum social marketing. |
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