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Title: | 前進元宇宙!以哈利波特手遊為例探討新世代沉浸體驗 Exploring New-Generation Immersive Experiences in the Metaverse: A Case Study of Harry Potter Mobile Games |
Authors: | 許雅磊 Hsu, Ya-Lei |
Contributors: | 劉慧雯 許雅磊 Hsu,Ya-Lei |
Keywords: | 沈浸 哈利波特:魔法覺醒 大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲 虛實交 融 Immersion Harry Potter: Magic Awakened MMORPG Virtual-Real In |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 13:51:38 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著數位遊戲產業的快速發展,大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲(MMORPG)成為玩家沉浸體驗的重要載體,提供虛擬社交場域與文化互動。本研究以《哈利波特:魔法覺醒》為案例,探討玩家的沉浸體驗與行為特徵,並分析遊戲如何成為現實生活的延展場域。透過質性訪談,描繪玩家的遊戲動機、沉浸過程與社會互動模式,並結合沉浸理論與相關文獻,闡述虛實交融的價值。
研究結論指出,現代沉浸式遊戲不僅是娛樂工具,更是文化交流與社交互動的平台,展現傳統遊戲未具備的價值。本研究建議未來擴展至不同遊戲類型及跨文化玩家群體,結合長期觀察與量化分析,探索沉浸式遊戲的潛力與挑戰。 With the rapid development of the digital gaming industry, Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs) have become an important medium for players' immersive experiences, providing virtual social spaces and cultural interactions. This study uses "Harry Potter: Magic Awakened" as a case to explore players' immersive experiences and behavioral characteristics, analyzing how the game serves as an extension of real life. Through qualitative interviews, the study depicts players' gaming motivations, immersion processes, and social interaction patterns, integrating immersion theory and relevant literature to elucidate the value of virtual-real integration. The research findings indicate that players' immersive experiences are driven by the game's high-fidelity graphics, semi-open world design, and quest structure, which not only satisfy exploration and achievement needs but also enhance emotional connections to the original story. Additionally, participation in virtual festival events, New Year's fireworks shows, and collective cheering in global channels reflects the deep integration of virtual social scenes with real life, further strengthening players' sense of belonging and engagement. This study reveals challenges to immersive experiences, including imbalances in technical design, unfair resource distribution, and the negative impact of social frustrations. At the same time, players demonstrate dynamic balance in their immersion states through self-regulation and metacognitive abilities, offering insights for virtual-real coordination. The conclusion of this study points out that modern immersive games are not merely tools for entertainment but also platforms for cultural exchange and social interaction, showcasing values that traditional games lack. The study suggests future expansion into different game types and cross-cultural player groups, combining long-term observations with quantitative analyses to explore the potential and challenges of immersive gaming. |
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