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Title: | 數位廣告效果衡量指標之研究 - Google Ads關鍵字廣告 Research on Digital Advertising Performance Indicators:A Case Study of Google Ads |
Authors: | 黃蘭儀 Huang, Lan-Yi |
Contributors: | 鄭自隆 Cheng, Tzu-Leong 黃蘭儀 Huang, Lan-Yi |
Keywords: | 數位廣告 廣告效果 指標 德菲法 Digital Advertising Google Ads Criteria Delphi techniques |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 13:51:27 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在以德爾菲技術建立一套衡量關鍵字數位廣告效果之指標。先以文獻蒐集大量相關的指標,再透過問卷調查,延請具數位媒體廣告實務經驗的專家共十人,採用修正德爾菲技術,進行三回合的問卷調查,建立出數位廣告效果衡量指標供業界參考。 研究結果發現依重要性和出現百分比排序,可分為三大構面:策略構面(包含觸及率及增加品牌知名度)、關係構面(包含關聯性)、效益性構面(包含花費成本及轉換) 策略構面的研究發現關鍵字廣告成功的關鍵在於將網路廣告個人化,使廣告主能確定點選關鍵字廣告的消費者都是對該項商品有興趣的潛在消費者。關係構面的研究發現關鍵字廣告的文字標題與內容訴求應以感性的形式呈現,方能為廣告帶來較高的點閱率,此外消費者點擊廣告後對網站的黏著度愈高,也能為商店網站帶來較高的轉換率與廣告投資報酬率。效益構面的研究發現透過Google搜尋引擎服務的使用流量超過2兆以上,在Google平台投放廣告可觸及正在搜尋商品的潛在消費者。三個達到高度一致的指標展現了數位廣告效果評估的精準化趨勢。 This study aims to establish performance metrics for measuring keyword digital advertising effectiveness using the Delphi technique. Through literature review, relevant indicators were collected, ranked by importance and occurrence percentage, and classified into three main dimensions: strategic dimension (including reach rate and brand awareness), relationship dimension (including relevance), and effectiveness dimension (including cost and conversion). The research conducted a survey through questionnaires, inviting ten experts with practical experience in digital media advertising. Using the modified Delphi technique, three rounds of questionnaire surveys were conducted to establish digital advertising performance metrics for industry reference.
The findings identified 12 high-consensus indicators: seven in the strategic dimension focusing on click and exposure strategies, two in the relationship dimension emphasizing advertising relevance and landing page experience, and three in the effectiveness dimension concerning cost and conversion management. These indicators demonstrate strong consensus among experts and reflect practical implementation value.
The study contributes both theoretically and practically by providing a structured evaluation framework that integrates multiple expert perspectives while maintaining local market relevance. This framework offers valuable guidance for advertising practitioners in planning and optimizing their digital advertising campaigns. |
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網路資料 Google AdWords廣告核心概念及廣告指標 https://www.ad-hub.net/blog/advertising-strategies%EF%BD%9Cgoogle-adwords-basic-1/ |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院碩士在職專班 106941014 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106941014 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [傳播學院碩士在職專班] 學位論文
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