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    题名: 行政及技術職系公務人員離職傾向與行為之研究:以工作風險認知與個人-工作契合度為中介變項
    A Study on Turnover Intention and Behavior among Civil Servants in Administrative and Technical Roles: The Mediating Effect of Perceived Job Risks and Person-Job Fit
    作者: 馬婉瑄
    Ma, Wan-Xuan
    贡献者: 董祥開
    Ma, Wan-Xuan
    关键词: 職系
    Perceived Job Risks in the Public Sector
    Person-Job Fit
    Turnover Intention
    日期: 2025
    上传时间: 2025-03-03 13:49:11 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 近年來,我國報考公務人員國家考試的人數逐年減少,部分技術類科甚至出現錄取不足的情形,突顯出公部門專業技術人才短缺的困境。而根據考選部指出,許多技術類科錄取人員進入公部門後,發現實際工作內容與期待不符,難以充分發揮專業,最後選擇離職,反映出公部門存在工作不契合的問題。除了工作不契合外,本研究認為「工作風險」也是影響人員離職的潛在因素,雖然公部門的工作通常被認為較單純、輕鬆,但隨著政府推動員額精簡,人員的工作負荷大增,進而提高了身心健康風險;此外,公務人員須依法行政,不能便宜行事,因此容易受到民眾、利益團體、民意代表的施壓或抵制而面臨法律風險及外部干預風險。基於此,本研究旨在探討行政及技術職系公務人員對工作風險的認知及工作契合度是否會影響其離職傾向與行為,並透過深度訪談歸納影響人員離職的相關因素。
    In recent years, the number of applicants for Taiwan’s Civil Service Examination has been declining annually, with some technical categories even experiencing insufficient enrollment. This trend underscores the challenge of a shortage of professional technical talent in the public sector. According to the Ministry of Examination, numerous individuals recruited for technical positions find that the actual job responsibilities do not align with their expectations, making it difficult for them to fully utilize their expertise. As a result, they often choose to leave their positions, reflecting person-job misfit within the public sector. Besides person-job misfit, this study identifies “job risk” as another potential factor influencing civil servants’ turnover intention. Although people often perceive public sector jobs as relatively simple and undemanding, government staff reduction initiatives have significantly increased employee workloads, thus heightening physical and psychological risks. Furthermore, because of the principle of law-based administration, civil servants cannot act at their discretion, which makes them susceptible to pressure or resistance from the public, interest groups, and elected representatives. Consequently, they face heightened legal risks and external interference risks. In light of these challenges, this study aims to explore whether the perceptions of job risks and person-job fit among civil servants in administrative and technical roles influence their turnover intention and behaviors. The study also employs in-depth interviews to summarize the factors contributing to turnover.
    The quantitative analysis indicates that civil servants in engineering-related roles exhibit significantly higher turnover intentions compared to those in administrative roles. Furthermore, while engineering civil servants show no significant differences in physical risks, psychological risks, or person-job fit compared to civil servants in other job series, they perceive significantly higher legal risks and external interference risks. Additionally, the study finds that higher levels of job risk perception correlate with stronger turnover intentions, whereas higher levels of person-job fit are associated with lower turnover intentions. Moreover, while physical risks, psychological risks, and person-job fit do not mediate the relationship between job series and turnover intention, legal risks and external interference risks demonstrate a partial mediation effect. Lastly, stronger turnover intentions were associated with a greater likelihood of turnover behavior among civil servants.
    From the in-depth interviews, it was observed that regardless of job series, civil servants commonly experience job stress that affect their physical and mental health, such as working overtime or handling unexpected assignments. However, engineering civil servants bear greater legal risks and external interference risks because of their involvement in engineering procurement projects. Notably, person-job fit is often not determined by individual capability but is more closely related to organizational workforce demand, task allocation, and individual learning adaptability. Based on these findings, this study provides a discussion and offers policy recommendations for future policy planning.
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