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    Title: 文資保存型非營利組織的志工招募之研究—以臺中市鄉土文化學會為例
    Research on Volunteer Recruitment of Non-profit Organizations of Cultural Heritage Preservation: A Case Study of Taichung Local Culture Association
    Authors: 石鎮維
    Shih, Jen-Wei
    Contributors: 張鎧如
    Chang, Kai-Ju
    Shih, Jen-Wei
    Keywords: 文資保存型非營利組織
    Heritage Preservation Nonprofit Organization
    Volunteer Recruitment
    Psychological Contract
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 13:48:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,因為國際潮流上對於文化公民權的重視,我國政府對於文資保存的相關事務在法規與政策面上有更加重視的趨勢,然而,受限於文資保存在技術上有一定的門檻,且願意投入的人也不多,在此情況下須仰賴非營利組織的人力資源,因此文資保存型非營利組織的志工是文化資產保存相當重要的一環,它能夠補足公部門與私部門在這個領域上的不足,過往的針對志工招募的研究,大多針對於運動賽會、社會服務、政府單位等組織,並無針對文資保存型非營利組織進行研究,因此本研究透過文資保存型非營利組織的個案—臺中市鄉土文化學會對志工招募相關議題進行探究,包括如何吸引志工、應該採用什麼招募策略或途徑,以及當面對困境時有什麼方式能因應。研究顯示,對於文資保存型非營利組織而言,影響他們在志工招募的因素包括志工的個人需求、角色、追求的善因與品牌,還有志工與組織間心理契約的達成。此外,透過訪談資料整理並歸納出受訪者的觀點,以及他們投入文資保存領域志願服務的動機,還有他們願意持續投入的因素,藉此為文資保存型的非營利組織提供未來在進行志工招募活動時的方向與建議。
    In recent years, due to the global emphasis on cultural citizenship, the Taiwanese government has increasingly prioritized regulations and policies related to cultural heritage preservation. However, heritage preservation requires a certain level of technical expertise, and there are relatively few individuals willing to dedicate themselves to this field. As a result, nonprofit organizations play a crucial role in providing human resources for cultural heritage preservation. Volunteers in heritage preservation nonprofits are essential in addressing the gaps left by both the public and private sectors in this domain. Previous research on volunteer recruitment has primarily focused on organizations related to sports events, social services, and government agencies, with little attention given to nonprofit organizations dedicated to cultural heritage preservation. Therefore, this study explores volunteer recruitment issues through a case study of the Taichung Local Culture Association, a heritage preservation nonprofit organization. The study examines how to attract volunteers, what recruitment strategies or channels should be adopted, and how organizations can respond to challenges in volunteer recruitment. The findings indicate that several factors influence volunteer recruitment in heritage preservation nonprofits, including volunteers’ personal needs, roles, commitment to a cause and brand, as well as the psychological contract between volunteers and the organization. Additionally, through interviews, the study summarizes the perspectives of respondents, their motivations for engaging in voluntary work in cultural heritage preservation, and the factors that encourage them to remain committed. This research aims to provide future recommendations and guidance for heritage preservation nonprofits in their volunteer recruitment efforts.
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