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    题名: 公共行政社會責任之研究
    A Study on Social Responsibility in Public Administraion
    作者: 黃鈺翔
    Huang, Yu-Hsiang
    贡献者: 江明修
    Chiang, Min-Hsiu
    Huang, Yu-Hsiang
    关键词: 行政責任
    administrative responsibility
    social responsibility
    social development
    network governance
    system dynamics
    日期: 2025
    上传时间: 2025-03-03 13:48:35 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究係提出並探討公共行政的社會責任,討論政府是否有其本職業務以外之社會責任存在,其須具備哪些條件或特點?及這個研究視角能為公共行政帶來哪些優點?自文獻回顧中由社會責任的概念延伸至現行政府體系於政策、機關和公務員三個層面的影響及實踐方式。以系統動力學為研究架構,結合次級資料分析與深度訪談,提出政府不僅應做好其本職的公共服務業務,亦應承擔類似提供與建構社會責任的角色。
    This study proposes and examines the concept of social responsibility in public administration, exploring whether the government have social responsibilities beyond its core duties. What conditions or characteristics must it possess? And what advantages can this research perspective bring to public administration? Through a literature review, the concept of social responsibility is extended to analyze its influence and implementation within the current governmental system at three levels: policy, institutions, and public officials. Employing a systems dynamics framework, coupled with secondary data analysis and in-depth interviews, this study argues that the government should not only excel in its fundamental public service roles but also take on a role akin to providing and fostering social responsibility.
    This research preliminarily defines the social responsibility of public administration as: "Actions undertaken by the government that go beyond its legally mandated obligations, without breaching ethical or legal responsibilities, and are carried out to benefit society." The definition underscores the necessity for governments to promote social responsibility, including the ethicality and public-interest orientation in policymaking, the establishment of local networks and internal organizational culture within institutions, and the consideration of justice and ethics in the administrative conduct of public officials. In-depth interviews were conducted with respondents familiar with governmental operations and administrative processes, and who possess academic or practical experience in social responsibility and social development, to construct the systemic framework of this study.
    The findings reveal that advancing the social responsibility of public administration is instrumental in achieving a better society and enabling the government to reflect on and fulfill its fundamental essence. The study recommends that future research integrate system dynamics software applications, ethical studies, and other systemic theories into case studies of governmental behavior, developing models that can facilitate the realization of social responsibility.
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