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    題名: 基督宗教與伊斯蘭的解經學比較: 以奧斯邦基督論與努爾西爾撒論為例
    A Comparative Study on the Exegesis of Christianity and Islam:In the Case of Grant R. Osborne on Christology and Said Nursî on Isa
    作者: 邱吉璽
    貢獻者: 蔡源林
    關鍵詞: 比較解經學
    Comparative hermeneutics
    Grant R. Osborne
    Said Nursi
    日期: 2024
    上傳時間: 2025-03-03 13:42:58 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本文試圖透過中立視角比較伊斯蘭教和基督宗教在解釋經文面向上的異同。並以此為基礎,主張基督宗教神學體系和伊斯蘭教對於解經方法的定性與功能,亦應被賦予解釋與分析上的注意,俾使《聖經》與《古蘭經》在解釋準據上,得以更為寬廣與多元,對不同見解能騰讓出更多的理解與對話空間。
    次在透過沿著伊斯蘭與西方基督宗教解經大方脈絡,在以古典理則論證系統與批判史觀為基礎的大平台上,以關於兩宗教耶穌基督論與爾撒為主軸,試圖發見其解經方法中,是否存在「淺則論理,深乃唯心」的多元且充滿民主神學特徵之解經原則。就奧斯邦 (Grant R. Osborne; 1942-2018) 與努爾西 (Said Nursî; 1877-1960) 二家對於近二千年以來就「耶穌神性」、「爾撒神性」、「三位一體論」、「彌賽亞與麥西哈」等主要面向之神學解釋與歧異,尋求其間可能和諧對話之關鍵意識與批判價值準據,並使各自能堅穩的在現代性意義框架中,場域兼容的、逐漸的、和平的,在教義、儀節、宣教與社會文化互動上,共同的、分別的發展。
    The main purpose of the research is to try to compare the similarities and differences between Islam and Christianity in interpreting scriptures from a neutral perspective. Based on this, he advocates that the Christian theological system and Islam's characterization and function of biblical interpretation methods should also be given interpretive and analytical attention, so that the interpretation criteria of the Bible and the Qur'an can be broader and broader. Diversity allows for more understanding and dialogue with different opinions.
    Thus the paper aims to follow the general context of Islamic and Western Christian exegesis, and on a large platform based on the classical logic argumentation system and critical historical perspective, using the two religions' theories on Jesus Christ as the main axis, trying to discover whether there is a pluralistic and democratic theological interpretation principle in the biblical exegesis of the two religions: "the superficial is theoretical, the deep is idealistic". As far as Grant R. Osborne (1942-2018) and Said Nursî (1877-1960) are concerned, in the past two thousand years, they have discussed "the divinity of Jesus", "Trinitarianism", "Messiah", and "Mesiha" and other major aspects of theological interpretation and divergence, seeking the key consciousness and critical value criteria for possible harmonious dialogue.
    The exploration of modern thinking approaches, democracy, and the rules of law, communication among diverse people and harmonious coexistence are not only important methods for the equal dialogue and coexistence of two religions, but also the key to promoting the coexistence and mutual regeneration of world cultures, esp. through a methodological approach on comparative hermeneutics. This is a comparative empirical study on the scope of the above fields. If there should be more concrete contributions to the dialogue between the two religions, it will thus be helpful to the vision of equal respect between religions and social harmony in the future.
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