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    Title: 國軍駐外人員駐外意願影響因素之分析
    Analysis of Factors Influencing the Willingness of ROC Armed Forces Personnel to Serve Abroad
    Authors: 陳瑨
    Chen, Chin
    Contributors: 陳敦源
    Chen, Don-Yun
    Chen, Chin
    Keywords: 國軍駐外人員
    Taiwan military personnel stationed abroad
    Work motivation
    Career development
    Work-life balance
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 13:25:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來在兩岸情勢日趨嚴峻的情況下,我國不論是在政治外交抑或是軍事外交都受到了很大的影響,隨著邦交國的急速減少,外交事務陷入前所未有的困境。在如此惡劣的外交情況下,我國國軍駐外人員的徵選也受到不小的衝擊,且在現今個人重視家庭生活大於工作的環境之下,經常發生駐外人員任期已滿卻不易找到交接人員的情形。
    In recent years, as cross-strait relations have become increasingly tense, our nation has faced significant impacts in both political and military diplomacy. With the rapid reduction in the number of diplomatic allies, our foreign affairs have fallen into an unprecedented crisis. Amid this challenging diplomatic landscape, the recruitment and selection of our armed forces personnel for overseas assignments have also been greatly affected. Additionally, in today’s environment where individuals prioritize family life over work, it is often difficult to find replacements for overseas personnel whose terms have ended.
    To investigate the factors influencing the willingness of our armed forces personnel to serve overseas, this study is grounded in theories related to work motivation, career development, and work-life balance. Using a qualitative research approach and in-depth interviews, 16 individuals meeting the study's criteria were selected for interviews. The audio recordings of these interviews were converted into verbatim transcripts using AI transcription software, then analyzed and organized.
    The study found that, although individual backgrounds and circumstances vary, the factors influencing the willingness of personnel to work overseas can generally be categorized into three main aspects: personal factors, institutional factors, and family factors. Depending on each individual’s branch of service, job responsibilities, values, and marital or family status, the weight placed on these factors differs. Moreover, the impact of each factor varies. However, family considerations emerged as the key factor universally influencing the decision to accept overseas assignments.
    Finally, based on the analysis and synthesis of the data, the study proposes five recommendations to enhance the willingness of armed forces personnel to serve overseas:
    1.Promote overseas assignment information at an early stage.
    2.Flexibly adjust management systems.
    3.Emphasize the training and development of overseas personnel.
    4.Adjust salary and benefits policies.
    5.Improve organizational culture and atmosphere.
    It is hoped that these measures can help facilitate the recruitment and selection process for overseas assignments in the armed forces.
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