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Title: | 美國的安全承諾程度對臺灣人民獨立立場的影響 The Influence of U.S. Security Commitments on Taiwanese Independence Stance |
Authors: | 陳靖雯 Chen, Ching-Wen |
Contributors: | 吳崇涵 Wu, Chong-Han 陳靖雯 Chen, Ching-Wen |
Keywords: | 階級制度 扈從 軍售 台灣關係法 台灣獨立 Hierarchy Bandwagoning Arms sales Taiwan Relation Act Taiwan independence |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2025-02-04 16:18:09 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣與中國之間的關係長期以來極為複雜。由於政治因素考量,美國在1971年與中華民國(即台灣)斷交。1979年,美國通過《台灣關係法》(TRA),承諾保障台灣的安全。作為全球超級大國,美國在東亞地區扮演著至關重要的角色,美國的安全保證對於台海穩定具有重大意義。近年來,美國日益增強的安全承諾使台灣在推動獨立的過程中更加自信。此外,北京在該地區的侵略性行為以及在人權和疫情等問題上的負面形象,進一步助長了台灣對於彰顯其獨立地位的渴望。
本論文將利用國際層級體系分析強權國家如何影響弱勢國家的決策,並通過政策分析比較不同行政時期美國安全承諾的數量與頻率。通過分析,本論文得出以下結論:美國在經濟與軍事上的相對優勢使其安全承諾對於台灣及中國而言意義重大。此外,近年來美國對台灣安全承諾的質量與數量的增加,促成了台灣民眾支持獨立傾向的上升。 The connection between Taiwan and China has been highly complicated for a long time. Due to political concerns, the United States (U.S.) cut the diplomatic relations with the Republic of China (namely ROC, Taiwan) in 1971. The Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) was released in 1979 to commit to Taiwan’s security. The United States has been a superpower in the world for decades and has a crucial role in East Asia; the assurances from the U.S. could be significant for the stability of the Taiwan Strait. In recent years, the growing security commitments from the U.S. have given Taiwan greater confidence in its push for independence. Additionally, Beijing's aggressive actions in the region, coupled with its negative image on issues such as human rights and the pandemic, have further fueled Taiwan's desire to assert its independence. The thesis will use the international hierarchy system to analyze how a country with more power shapes a weaker country in its decision-making and compare the amount and frequency of U.S. commitments in the different periods by policy analysis. Through analysis, this thesis draws those conclusions. The relative economic and military power dominance of the United States, leading the security commitments from the U.S. are very meaningful for Taiwan as well as China. Moreover, the increased quality and quantity of U.S. security commitments in recent years has contributed to a rise in Taiwanese public opinion favoring independence. |
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