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    Title: 簡報設計能力之探討一以商業提案為例
    Exploring the Competencies of Presentation Designers-A Case Study of Business Proposal Presentation
    Authors: 李珮華
    Lee, Pei-Hua
    Contributors: 林玲遠

    Lee, Pei-Hua
    Keywords: 簡報設計
    Presentation design
    Information extraction
    Narrative transformation
    Visual design
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-02-04 16:04:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著數位科技的快速發展,簡報設計成為求學及職場中不可或缺的技能。本 研究從數位科技協作的角度,探討簡報設計工作者在商業提案簡報中的專業能 力。以資訊擷取、敘事轉化和視覺設計三大面向為框架,分析簡報設計者如何運 用數位工具有效傳達訊息。透過文獻回顧與實務分析,本研究強調了簡報設計不 僅是視覺呈現,更包含對內容的深度理解及敘事邏輯的轉換。本研究結果為簡報 設計者提供了技能培養的參考依據,並為企業評估提案簡報設計能力提供基準。
    With the rapid development of digital technology, presentation design has become an essential skill in both academic and professional settings. This study explores the professional competencies of presentation designers in business proposal presentations from the perspective of digital technology collaboration. Using three dimensions—information extraction, narrative transformation, and visual design—as the framework, the study analyzes how presentation designers utilize digital tools to effectively convey messages. Through a review of the literature and practical analysis, the research highlights that presentation design involves not only visual representation but also a deep understanding of content and the transformation of narrative logic. The findings of this study provide a reference for the skill development of presentation designers and establish benchmarks for evaluating proposal presentation design capabilities in enterprises.
    Reference: 中文部分
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