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    Title: 選擇性暴露、人際政治討論對政黨情感極化之影響
    The Impact of Selective Exposure and Interpersonal Political Discussion on Affective Polarization
    Authors: 蔡旻潔
    Tsai, Min-Chieh
    Contributors: 蕭怡靖
    Hsiao, Yi-Ching
    Tsai, Min-Chieh
    Keywords: 情感極化
    Affective polarization
    Selective exposure
    Interpersonal political discussion
    Party identification
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-02-04 16:02:00 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自2000年臺灣首次政黨輪替以來,政黨競爭逐漸加劇,選民的情感極化程度也日益受到關注。基於選擇性暴露理論,選民是否透過主動選擇媒體而受其內容影響,進一步導致情感極化程度的上升?此外,從社會認同理論的角度出發,人們又是否會傾向進行同質性的政治討論,致使情感極化的加劇?而選民若處在同質性的媒體及政治討論環境的暴露程度或討論頻率越高,是否更激化其情感極化程度?
    然而,隨著柯文哲於2019年創立台灣民眾黨,逐漸成為國會第三大黨,2024 年更奪下8席不分區立委的席次,使臺灣國會出現單一政黨不過半之情形。回顧過往臺灣的政治極化研究多是聚焦在統獨立場、民進黨與國民黨黨性間的情感極化討論,尚未有研究納入藍綠兩黨之外的第三政黨進行討論。在目前政黨競爭模式下,不同政黨認同者的情感極化程度又是否存在差異?政黨認同強度是否也會加劇情感極化程度?
    為檢驗臺灣選民情感極化程度影響因素,本研究運用「台灣選舉與民主化調查:2024 年總統與立法委員選舉面訪案」(TEDS 2024)的資料,以實證分析目前三黨競爭的政治環境下之極化現象。本研究結果證實有選擇性暴露者、同質性政治討論者、民進黨支持者、政黨認同強度越高者之情感極化程度較高。此外,媒體暴露程度對有選擇性暴露者與情感極化間沒有顯著調節效果影響,政治討論頻率則對同質性政治討論者與情感極化間有調節效果,同質性政治討論者隨政治討論頻率提高,其情感極化程度也隨之提升。
    Since Taiwan's first political transition of power in 2000, the intensification of party competition has increasingly drawn attention to the phenomenon of affective polarization among voters. Based on the theory of selective exposure, do voters actively choose media content that influences them, thereby exacerbating their levels of affective polarization? From the perspective of social identity theory, do individuals tend to engage in homogeneous political discussions, which in turn amplify affective polarization? Additionally, does greater exposure to homogeneous media and political discussion environments, or higher frequencies of such discussions, further intensify affective polarization?

    After the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), established by Ko Wen-je in 2019, became the third-largest party in the legislature and secured eight at-large legislative seats in 2024, Taiwan's legislature witnessed a new phenomenon where no single party holds a majority. Previous studies on political polarization in Taiwan have primarily focused on issues of unification versus independence and affective polarization between the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the Kuomintang (KMT), with limited attention to the role of third parties. In the current competitive political landscape, do affective polarization levels differ among supporters of various parties? Does the strength of party identification also exacerbate affective polarization?

    To examine the factors influencing affective polarization among Taiwanese voters, this study utilizes data from the Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study: the Survey of the Presidential and Legislative Elections, 2024 (TEDS 2024) to conduct an empirical analysis of polarization in the current three-party competition environment. The results reveal that individuals with selective exposure, those engaging in homogeneous political discussions, DPP supporters, and those with stronger party identification exhibit higher levels of affective polarization. Moreover, the degree of media exposure does not have a significant moderating effect on the relationship between selective exposure and affective polarization. In contrast, the frequency of political discussions exerts a moderating effect on the relationship between homogeneous political discussants and affective polarization, with affective polarization intensifying as the frequency of political discussions increases among those engaging in homogeneous discussions.
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