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Title: | 行政倫理教育對警察專科學校學生專業道德行為的影響研究 A Study on the Impact of Administrative Ethics Education on the Professional Ethical Behavior of Taiwan Police College Students |
Authors: | 陳伶 Chen, Ling |
Contributors: | 成之約 Cheng, Zhi-Yue 陳伶 Chen, Ling |
Keywords: | 警察專科學校 行政倫理教育 專業道德行為 Taiwan Police College Education of Administration Ethics Professional Ethical Behavior |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2025-02-04 15:56:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在現代社會中,警察肩負著維護社會秩序和保障公共安全的重責,隨著社會日益複雜,警察在執行任務時面臨更多挑戰,如新型犯罪、社會衝突和複雜的法律環境,使得警察需要具備更高的專業能力和道德標準,才能在各種情境中有效維持社會秩序和保障公共安全。而警察專科學校做為基層警察的培訓機構,為了應對這些挑戰,警察專科學校透過行政倫理教育,培養學生具備高道德標準和專業能力,以確保他們未來能依法履行職責變得尤為重要。儘管目前相關研究較少,但為了彌補研究上的不足,同時也為了瞭解目前警專的行政倫理教育對專業道德行為是否會會產生正面的影響,本研究除了探討警專學生對行政倫理教育和專業道德行為的認知外,還分析警專學生背景是否對行政倫理教育和專業道德行為看法的差異性,並進一步檢視行政倫理教育對學生專業道德行為的實際影響,確保行政倫理教育能帶來正面效果。
本研究以經過實習的專41期行政警察類科的4隊二年級學生作為研究對象,並參考臺灣警察專科學校專科警員班第41期正期學生組教育法規和文獻探討內容,進行行政倫理教育對警察專科學校學生專業道德行為之調查問卷設計。本研究有效問卷共247份,經研究調查發現:1. 有無遭受申誡以上處分、二年級和一年級操性分數、教授班、二上時操性分數的警專學生背景對行政倫理教育與專業道德行為具有顯著差異;2.警察倫理學教育、品德精神教育對專業道德行為有正面的影響,但生活教育對專業道德行為不具顯著影響;3.獎懲制度與行為規範、行政倫理教育的實施對專業道德行為會有正面的影響,但精神品德教育實施對專業道德行為不具顯著影響。
依據上述結論對任職警察專科學校行政倫理教育建議,未來行政倫理教育應增強實務案例分析與情境教學,促進學生的批判性思考與道德判斷能力,並加強生活管理中自我管理和內在道德認知的培養。 In modern society, the police bear the significant responsibility of maintaining social order and ensuring public safety. As society becomes increasingly complex, police officers encounter more challenges in executing their duties, including new forms of crime, social conflicts, and a complicated legal environment. These factors necessitate higher levels of professional competence and ethical standards from police officers to effectively uphold social order and protect public safety in various situations. As training institutions for frontline police officers, police vocational schools play a crucial role in equipping students with the professional skills and moral standards necessary to meet these challenges. Through education in administrative ethics, these schools aim to cultivate students with high ethical standards and professional abilities, ensuring they can fulfill their duties in accordance with the law. Although limited research exists in this area, this study aims to address the gap by investigating whether the current administrative ethics education in police vocational schools positively influences the professional moral behavior of police students. The study explores students' perceptions of administrative ethics education and professional ethical behavior, analyzes differences in their views based on their backgrounds, and further examines the actual impact of administrative ethics education on students' professional moral behavior to ensure it yields positive outcomes.
The study focuses on second-year students from the 41st cohort of administrative police officers who have completed their internships. Drawing from the educational regulations and literature related to the 41st cohort of students at the Taiwan Police College, the research designed a questionnaire to investigate the impact of administrative ethics education on the professional ethical behavior of police vocational school students. A total of 247 valid questionnaires were collected, and the findings revealed the following: 1. Significant differences were observed in students' perceptions of administrative ethics education and professional ethical behavior based on various background factors. These factors included whether students had received any disciplinary actions, their conduct scores from their first and second years, the class they were enrolled in, and their conduct scores during the second semester of their sophomore year. 2. Police ethics education and moral character education positively influenced professional ethical behavior, while life education demonstrated no significant effect. 3. The implementation of a reward and punishment system, behavior norms, and administrative ethics education positively influenced professional ethical behavior; however, the introduction of moral character education did not demonstrate a significant effect.
Based on these conclusions, recommendations for administrative ethics education in police vocational schools are proposed. Future administrative ethics education should strengthen practical case studies and situational teaching to enhance students' critical thinking and moral judgment skills. Furthermore, it should emphasize self-management and the development of internal moral awareness in everyday life. |
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