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    Title: 中國與巴拿馬經貿關係研究:投資項目的案例分析
    China’s Economic Relations with Panama: Case Studies of Investment Projects
    Authors: 白愷星
    Palacios Alvarez, Astrid
    Contributors: 冷則剛
    Tse-Kang Leng
    Palacios Alvarez, Astrid
    Keywords: 中國投資
    China investments
    US-Panama relations
    Panama Canal
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-02-04 15:49:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 巴拿馬與中國的國際始於2017年,當時巴拿馬加入了「一帶一路」倡議,並由胡安·卡洛斯·巴雷拉承認北京政府的合法性。中國對巴拿馬的興趣主要與其在國際貿易中的戰略地位有關。在胡安·卡洛斯·巴雷拉總統任期(2014-2019)期間,多個中國投資項目被納入討論。然而,在勞倫蒂諾·科爾蒂索總統的任期(2019-2024)內,許多這些項目被擱置或暫停。本研究旨在評估中國在過去兩個總統任期內於巴拿馬的投資項目。研究中共有八個相關項目,其中六個是在巴雷拉總統任期內。收集的數據顯示,這些中國投資項目為巴拿馬帶來了重要的利益。然而,當深入分析其條款和條件時,確保項目的質量和按期完成仍具挑戰性。自巴拿馬與中國建立新關係以來,美國對這個中美洲國家施加了外交壓力,影響了這些項目的相關決策。儘管壓力不斷增加,我們認為未來中國在巴拿馬的投資走向將取決於即將上任的總統在經濟和外交方面的決策,以及美國和中國為巴拿馬提出的建議和合作方案。
    Panama and China’s international cooperation started in 2017 when Panama joined the BRI and Juan Carlos Valera recognized Beijing. China’s interests in Panama are strong and primarily related to Panama’s strategic location for the international trade of goods. During the presidential period of Juan Carlos Varela (2014-2019), several Chinese investment projects were brought into discussion. However, during the former presidential period of Laurentino Cortizo (2019-2024), many of those projects were discarded or put on hold. This research aims to evaluate China’s investment projects in Panama during the last two presidential periods. During the investigation, a total of eight relevant projects were identified, six of which were during the Valera presidential period. The collected data suggests that the Chinese investment projects bring important benefits to Panama. However, when a deeper analysis of the terms and conditions is conducted, it becomes challenging to ensure the project’s quality and time completion. Since the new relations between Panama and China began, the United States has created diplomatic pressure on the Central American country, influencing the decisions surrounding the identified projects. Despite this growing pressure, we believe the future of China’s investments in Panama will be determined by the economic and diplomatic decisions of the upcoming elected President, as well as the proposals that the USA and China can bring to Panama.
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