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    Title: 貿易與日本政府開發援助的再評估(1980-2020)
    Reassessing the Influence of Japan’s Trade on Development Aid (1980–2020)
    Authors: 谷呈陽
    Gutierrez Macias, Erick
    Contributors: 蘇彥斌
    Su, Yen-Pin
    Gutierrez Macias, Erick
    Keywords: 日本
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-02-04 15:49:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 為何外援國家會分配比較多的官方發展援助給予特定的國家?為了回答這個研究問題,本論文重探日本的官方發展援助政策。許多既有文獻顯示,日本與受援國間的雙邊貿易是影響日本在決定如何分配官方發展援助的一個重要考量;然而,目前只有非常少數的研究探討究竟是哪些種類的貿易影響了日本官方發展援助的分配。為了補充既有文獻的不足,我們建構了一個戰略原物料貿易外援理論,並據以提出一個假設:受援國如果出口愈多的戰略原物料—例如石油、天然氣、媒與稀土—到外援國,則該受援國會從外援國得到愈多的官方發展援助。本論文利用接受日本官方發展援助的175 國資料(1980-2020)進行量化分析,實證結果支持上述假設。此外,本論文關於印尼與墨西哥的質化案例研究,亦進一步闡明了日本官方發展援助與貿易互動的關聯,並突顯私部門促進發展援助的角色。具體來說,本論文有三個獨特貢獻:一、本論文加入了援外政策研究的既有學術辯論,利用原創性的資料提供實證分析,闡明戰略原物料貿易如何驅動整體雙邊貿易對日本官方發展援助的影響。二、本論文利用質性案例研究分析了鑲嵌在日本官方發展援助的多重目標特徵。三、本論文為官方發展援助的外援國與受援國提供了重要的政策意涵,亦即日本的官方發展援助一方面可以幫助受援國追求經濟成長,另一方面則可以厚植日本的能源發展工業及其相關的基礎建設。
    Why do aid donor countries allocate more Official Development Assistance (ODA) to certain recipient nations over others? To address this research question, I revisit Japan’s ODA policy. The existing literature suggests that overall bilateral trade between the recipient country and Japan matters in explaining the different levels of ODA allocation in different recipient nations. Still, only a few have investigated how different types of trade impact ODA allocation. To fill the gap in the literature, I develop a theory of aid for trade of strategic materials. I hypothesize that a recipient country tends to receive more ODA when the country exports more industrial minerals–such as oil, gas, carbon, and rare earth elements–to the donor country. This dissertation tests this hypothesis using data for 175 recipient countries of Japanese ODA from 1980 to 2020. The empirical results support my hypothesis. Additionally, the case studies of Indonesia and Mexico provide qualitative evidence about the persistent nexus between aid and trade within Japan’s ODA program and reveal the private sector’s contribution as a facilitator of development aid. Overall, this dissertation’s uniqueness is threefold. First, it contributes to the existing academic debates in foreign aid studies by using original data to demonstrate robust evidence about the crucial role of strategic materials in driving the impacts of overall bilateral trade on Japanese ODA. Second, it presents detailed qualitative case studies to illustrate the multipurpose characteristics embedded in Japanese ODA policy. Third, it provides important policy implications to both ODA donors and recipients, which suggests that Japanese ODA can foster economic growth in recipient countries while supporting Japanese industries in energy development and related infrastructure.
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