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    Title: 文化適應與社群媒體:以台灣的香港移民為例
    Acculturation and Social Media : Taking Hong Kong Immigrants in Taiwan for Example
    Authors: 黃婷婷
    Teng, Wong Teng
    Contributors: 藍適齊
    Lan, Shi-Chi
    Wong Teng Teng
    Keywords: 文化適應
    Social media
    Hong Kong immigrants in Taiwan
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-02-04 15:46:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在香港移民人數在台灣日漸增加的趨勢下,本次研究旨在了解社群媒體使用與在台灣香港移民之文化適應的關係。研究目標為了解社群媒體如何影響移民的文化適應過程、社群媒體在當中所扮演的角色及其所帶來的正負面影響。為了解上述問題,本次研究以問卷調查的形式,調查了在台灣香港移民的媒體使用習慣,並使用改編後的社會文化適應量表(SCAS),以測量在台灣香港移民的文化適應程度。同時,與十位在台灣香港移民進行深度訪談,以了解他們的社群媒體使用與文化適應經驗。


    With the increasing number of Hong Kong immigrants in Taiwan, this study aims to explore the relationship between social media usage and the acculturation of these immigrants. The research focuses on understanding how social media influences their acculturation process, its mediation functions, and its positive and negative impacts. To address these issues, the study utilized a survey to investigate the media usage habits of Hong Kong immigrants in Taiwan while employing an adapted Sociocultural Adaptation Scale (SCAS) to measure their level of acculturation. Additionally, in-depth interviews were conducted with ten Hong Kong immigrants to gain a deeper understanding of their experiences with social media and acculturation.

    The findings reveal a positive correlation between the amount of daily time immigrants spend on social media and their level of acculturation. However, when daily usage exceeds seven hours, the level of acculturation begins to decline. Immigrants generally perceive social media as beneficial in their acculturation process, with practical informational assistance being more significant than psychological support. The study also highlights the potential negative emotional impacts of excessive social media use, particularly the over-reliance on online immigrant groups within these platforms.

    This study contributes to a deeper understanding of the impact of social media on immigrants, particularly in terms of how Hong Kong immigrants acculturate to life in Taiwan. It also sheds light on the dilemmas they face during their adaptation process. Moreover, the research offers possible solutions for addressing the potential difficulties Hong Kong immigrants may encounter. These recommendations focus on providing information, psychological support, social networks, and community assistance, offering a comprehensive approach to facilitating their successful acculturation into Taiwanese society.
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