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    Title: 淺論銀行核心資通系統之永續營運:以營運I牌大型主機為例
    Exploring Continuous Operations in Core Banking Information Systems: The Case of I-Brand Mainframes
    Authors: 陳威成
    Chen, Wei-Chen
    Contributors: 許永明
    Chen, Wei-Chen
    Keywords: 核心系統
    core banking systems
    continuous operation
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-02-04 15:41:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著科技的迅速發展,金融業務的複雜性和數位化需求持續增加,許多金融機構仍依賴六、七O年代發展的大型主機系統來支撐其核心業務運作。本研究以核心業務依賴I 牌大型主機的四家系統性重要銀行之一的A銀行為主要案例,並收集相關行業及供應商資訊,探討及分析金融機構在運營I 牌大型主機系統時所面臨的挑戰與風險。有鑒於大型主機維運風險相關議題眾多,藉由歸納出重要之風險議題並進行風險之識別與分析後,聚焦於下列四個問題及其緩解措施:包括營運成本問題、人才稀缺問題、可用性問題以及供應商依賴問題。本研究之主要發現與風險管理意涵如下:(ㄧ)大型主機軟體租賃費用是主要的財務負擔,供應商的訂價策略使得透過技術手段(如容量設限、系統優化、替換或停用軟體等)所節省的費用,最終被年度漲價所抵消。因此,銀行或可考慮更有效的非技術手段,例如協議長期合約、善用財務工具等,從而實現更好的成本控制(二)由於技術吸引力不足以及嚴格的人事薪酬制度,銀行難以提供具有競爭力的薪資來吸引人才,而傳統以學徒制訓練大型主機人才的效率有限,隨著大型主機人才逐漸減少,人力短缺成為一個日益嚴重的問題,未來很有可能造成營運風險。因此,銀行或可考慮成立子公司、採用專案晉用或使用人力派遣方式等方式,以更靈活的人力資源策略來解決問題。(三)在天災頻繁且有地緣政治風險的台灣,重大災難可能對金融體系造成難以估計的損害,銀行應考慮將災難風險內部成本化並建立內部風險基金,由業務單位評估風險,分配災難復原計畫的成本,每年提取資金用於異地備援建設和營運。政府除持續通訊基礎建設外,亦應擴大財務與政策誘因,鼓勵銀行強化災備與資料保全能力,並協調建置共享災備資源,以提升整體災難應變能力。(四)由財務數據(如Altman Z-Score、違約距離與軟硬體銷售額)及策略走向來看,供應商短期內應不會有財務問題,放棄大型主機業務的可能性亦不大,一般市場分析(如Gartner)亦認為,大型主機在金融與政府領域應用上仍將扮演重要角色。然而,由於供應商的技術支援人力不足,對於銀行的永續營運將造成影響,尤其在重大災難發生時。銀行應聯合向原廠反映問題,並持續進行數位轉型,以確保核心資通系統之永續營運。
    Despite the changing landscape of technology, many banks still utilize mainframe systems for their core business operations. This study collects industry and supplier data to examine challenges and risks faced by banks in managing I-Brand mainframe systems. It addresses four main issues: operational costs, talent scarcity, system availability, and supplier dependency, along with their mitigation measures. The main findings and risk management implications of this study are as follows: (1) The leasing cost of mainframe software is a significant financial burden. The supplier's pricing strategy offsets the savings achieved through technical means (such as soft capping, system optimization, software replacement, or termination) with annual price increases. Therefore, banks may consider more effective non-technical measures, such as negotiating long-term contracts and utilizing financial instruments, to achieve better cost control. (2) Banks face challenges in offering competitive salaries due to a lack of technical appeal and rigid personnel systems. The traditional apprenticeship model for training mainframe specialists is considered inefficient, leading to a decrease in professionals and a manpower shortage that risks future operations. To address this, banks could establish subsidiaries, use project-based hiring, or work with external manpower agencies for more flexible human resource strategies. (3) In Taiwan, natural and geopolitical risks can significantly damage the financial system. Banks should assess disaster risks, allocate costs for recovery plans, and annually reserve funds for off-site backups. The government should enhance communication infrastructure and offer incentives to assist banks in strengthening disaster preparedness and data preservation. Furthermore, it should support shared disaster recovery resources to bolster overall response capabilities. (4) Financial data, including the Altman Z-Score, distance to default, and sales figures, indicate the supplier is financially stable and unlikely to exit the mainframe business soon. Analyses, including those from Gartner, indicate that mainframes will remain vital in the financial and government sectors. There is, however, a concern regarding the lack of technical support personnel provided by the supplier, which may affect the banks' operations, particularly during significant disasters. Banks should jointly address these issues with the supplier and continue digital transformation to mitigate risk.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0112ZB1060
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