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    Title: 國中專輔教師之工作壓力、社會支持與同情疲乏之相關研究
    A Study of Relationships among Junior High School Full-time Counseling Teacher 's Work Stress, Social Support, and Compassion Fatigue
    Authors: 洪健容
    Hong, Chien-Jung
    Contributors: 余民寧
    Yu, Min-Ning
    Hong, Chien-Jung
    Keywords: 國中專輔教師
    Junior High School Full-time Counseling Teacher
    Work Stress
    Social Support
    Compassion Fatigue
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-02-04 15:38:55 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探究國中專輔教師在工作壓力、社會支持以及同情疲乏方面的相關性。隨著民國一百年一月十二日修訂的「國民教育法」,國中小專輔教師的需求持續增加。然而,專輔教師在日常工作中承受著來自學生、家長、同事以及教育政策等多方面的壓力,而所獲得的社會支持對其工作效能和心理健康至關重要;此外,專輔教師往往因與學生建立的密切聯繫而面臨同情疲乏的問題,但在教育領域對此的研究尚顯不足。因此,本研究透過文獻評閱以及變項間的相關研究,定義了專輔教師之工作壓力、社會支持與同情疲乏,並對於研究變項提出了兩個假設(一)工作壓力與同情疲乏呈現正相關(二)工作壓力與社會支持呈現負相關,同時社會支持亦與同情疲乏呈現負相關(三)社會支持對於工作壓力與同情疲乏之間具有調節效果;換言之,當專輔教師獲得較高程度的社會支持時,其因工作壓力而產生的同情疲乏可能會受到社會支持的調節而減輕。本研究期待透過研究結果,提出相關建議,以改善國中專輔教師的工作環境,促進其個人成長和心理健康,並為相關領域的理論和實踐提供參考。
    This study aims to explore the correlations between work stress, social support, and compassion fatigue among junior high school counseling teachers. With the continuous increase in the demand for counseling teachers following the revision of the "Compulsory Education Act" on January 12, 2011, these teachers face various pressures from students, parents, colleagues, and educational policies in their daily work. The social support they receive is crucial to their job performance and mental health. Moreover, counseling teachers often encounter compassion fatigue due to the close relationships they build with students, yet there is a lack of sufficient research on this issue in the educational field. Therefore, this study defines the work stress, social support, and compassion fatigue of counseling teachers through literature review and correlational research among these variables. It proposes three hypotheses: (1) work stress is positively correlated with compassion fatigue, (2) work stress is negatively correlated with social support, and social support is negatively correlated with compassion fatigue, and (3) social support moderates the relationship between work stress and compassion fatigue. In other words, when counseling teachers receive a high level of social support, the compassion fatigue caused by work stress may be alleviated by this support. This study hopes to offer recommendations based on the findings to improve the working environment of junior high school counseling teachers, promote their personal growth and mental health, and provide references for theory and practice in related fields.
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