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    Title: 日本太空安全戰略研究
    Analysis of Japan's Space Security Strategy
    Authors: 黃祥瑀
    Huang, Hsiang-Yu
    Contributors: 柯玉枝

    Ko, Yu-Chih
    Kuo, Hsin-Kuang

    Huang, Hsiang-Yu
    Keywords: 日本
    outer space security
    Shinzo Abe
    Yoshihide Suga
    Fumio Kishida
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-02-04 15:21:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文以新古典現實主義視角,著眼於安倍晉三、菅義偉、岸田文雄三位日本首相執政時期,觀察21 世紀日本太空安全戰略發展的日本外部層次與內部層次之變化,並得到如下研究發現。


    其次,在內部層次部分,本文發現若是日本首相處在相似的外部層次情勢下,國家安全思維究竟是傾向傳統安全(安全經濟),抑或是側重經濟安全,是影響日本太空安全形塑的重要變數。例如:當日本首相國家安全思維是安全經濟,相較於國家安全思維為經濟安全之日本首相,將傾向挹注資源予日本防衛省,並且朝向太空防禦能力及太空狀況覺知能力來發展。反之,以經濟安全作為其國家安全思維之日本首相,則傾向挹注資源在 JAXA,並將聚焦於太空狀況覺知能力發展。

    此外,本文也發現日本首相的太空安全思維,將對單一機構在日本太空安全戰略中的地位及機構彼此間的互動狀態,存在重要影響。因此,可以看到安倍晉三與菅義偉時期,JAXA 相較於日本防衛省位居日本太空安全戰略中的核心地位。然而,在岸田文雄執政以後,則是日本防衛省相較於 JAXA 位居在日本太空安全戰略中的核心地位。同時,亦可以發現 JAXA 與日本防衛省在不同首相執政下,存在不同的機構職責與分工情況。
    This study employs the framework of neoclassical realism to analyze the evolution of Japan’s space security strategy in the 21st century, by examining the interplay between external and internal factors, and focusing on the administrations of Prime Ministers Shinzo Abe, Yoshihide Suga, and Fumio Kishida.

    From an external perspective, Japan’s space security strategy has been significantly influenced by the rise of China’s regional power, which has posed challenges to Japan’s national security. While initial responses to these challenges did not prioritize the space domain, there was a gradual recognition of its strategic importance, eventually positioning space as a core element of Japan’s national security framework. Furthermore, Japan’s close security alliance with the United States played a pivotal role in this evolution. As the U.S. advanced its space capabilities, Japan was compelled to accelerate its own development in the space sector to maintain strategic alignment. However, these advancements also heightened China’s perception of Japan as a potential space security threat, resulting in a more adversarial dynamic in Sino-Japanese space relations.

    From an internal perspective, the prime minister’s national security outlook emerged as a critical variable in shaping Japan’s space strategy. Leaders with a security-economic orientation, such as Abe, emphasized strengthening defense capabilities and enhancing space situational awareness through the Ministry of Defense. Conversely, those with an economic-security focus, such as Kishida, prioritized advancements led by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). These differences in leadership perspectives also influenced institutional roles and interactions within Japan’s space security framework. Under Abe and Suga, JAXA played a central role, whereas during Kishida’s tenure, the Ministry of Defense assumed greater prominence. The shifting dynamics between JAXA and the Ministry of Defense reflected varying priorities and strategic visions across administrations.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111253007
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