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    Title: 集體行動在中國社群媒體的形成機制研究——從價值累加理論分析微博「張繼科景甜」事件
    Research on the formation mechanism of collective action in China’s social media - analyzing the Weibo “Zhang Jike Jingtian” incident from the perspective of value - added theory
    Authors: 錢若妍
    Qian, Ruo-Yan
    Contributors: 黃葳威
    Qian, Ruo-Yan
    Keywords: 集體行動
    collective action
    value-add theory
    social media
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-02-04 15:18:42 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自十九世紀中期起世界多次女性主義浪潮興起,近十年第四波女性主義浪潮借助社群媒體呼籲女性權益。在此背景下,中國社群媒體湧現眾多女性主義議題,大量網民通過社群媒體發表自己的觀點,為女性遭遇的不公而抗爭。
    2023年4月社群媒體中因張繼科販賣景甜私密視頻事件爆發了大規模的集體行動,該行動推動了中國女性主義運動的發展,為了更詳細地研究女性主義集體行動的形成機制,將數據分成為 3 個主要類型,普通網民,專業媒體以及意見領袖,對於這三個部分的數據分別單獨進行抓取,並通過不同的方式對獲取的數據處理,再通過文本分析和詞頻分析對參與者的態度變化進一步分析。
    Since the mid-19th century, there have been several waves of feminism rising around the world, with the fourth wave of feminism in the past decade using social media to call for women's rights. In this context, numerous feminist issues have emerged on Chinese social media, and a large number of netizens have expressed their views through social media, fighting for the injustice suffered by women.
    In April 2023, a large-scale collective action erupted on social media due to the sale of private Jingtian videos by Zhang Jike. This action promoted the development of China's feminist movement. In order to study the formation mechanism of feminist collective action in more detail, the data was divided into three main categories: ordinary netizens, professional media, and opinion leaders. The data for these three parts were separately captured and processed in different ways. The attitude changes of participants were further analyzed through text analysis and word frequency analysis.
    Research has found that in the social media space, ordinary netizens, opinion leaders, and professional media influence each other's agendas and jointly construct feminist collective action. At the same time, the author further analyzes this issue using the value theory of Messer. Organized and summarized the formation mechanism of online collective action in Chinese social media Weibo.
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