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    Title: 探索隱私悖論:從資訊隱私角度
    Exploring Privacy Paradox: From A Perspective of Information Privacy
    Authors: 鄭琮霖
    Cheng, Tsung-Lin
    Contributors: 黃葳威
    Cheng, Tsung-Lin
    Keywords: 隱私悖論
    Privacy Paradox
    Privacy Attitude
    Privacy Behavior
    Structural Equation Model
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-02-04 15:18:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在通過建構結構方程式模型,從更全面的角度理解隱私悖論現象,結構方程式模性研究分為前端和後端,前端是隱私態度的前置變項探討,後端則是探討隱私態度和隱私行為之間的關係,以隱私關注作為測量隱私態度的變項。
    This study aims to understand the privacy paradox phenomenon by constructing a structural equation model. The structural equation modeling research is divided into front-end and back-end. The front-end is to explore the antecedent variables of privacy attitude, and the back-end is to explore the relationship between privacy attitude and privacy behavior. Taking privacy concern as a variable to measure privacy attitude, the research results indicate that the antecedent variables of front-end; self-efficacy, privacy awareness and Internet involvement has no statistically significant relationship with privacy concern, the back-end part; privacy concern will not affect information disclosure behavior. In addition, privacy concern will cause individual’s privacy protection behavior. Based on the results, this article recommends that future research should not be entangled in the debate about the existence of the privacy paradox, but should connect to specific issues, trying to fully understand the topic from different angles, and exploring research topics based on privacy paradox.
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